photo gallery for cyber protection

Διάφορες φωτογράφιες απο το εργαστήριο moodle και άλλα σεμινάρια της Περιφερειακής Εκπαίδευσης Δ. Ελλάδας!

illegal data mine

Very briefly, there is a huge debate regarding government collection of large amounts of  «personal» data. The government already has data on millions of people merely collected upon individual contacts with government: birth records. Drivers license information and the like. But the government, just like corporate data-gathering companies can retrieve information about people from publicly available sources like Facebook, etc.  Using algorithms on large pools of data can result in discovering «patterns» that humans would not ordinarily be able to see without such algorithms. Then, there is always a debate about when collecting «too much data» crosses a «right to privacy » line guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution under the 14th Amendment. Where should the government ‘s line be? Was information culled from sources where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists? Under existing analysis, in general there is no expectation of privacy when information is gathered from a non-government, third party.  So when is the government overstepping?

This is a fascinating subject and one worth keeping yourself up to date about.

We really are  in a brave new world.