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In this article I will try to present certain calculations and simulations in PC of evolutionary course of universe.
It will be supposed from beginning I clarify in order to do not exist misapprehensions, that the thoughts and the calculations constitute simple a approximate script As the is not scientifically ascertained the rhythm of dilation of universe Ho in present but much more and in the past. In the calculations I consider that for each time moment the (billion years) is in effect To=1/Ho that as we will see in the next unit for the astrophysics today it is a clue but is not   precise.



The rhythm of dilation you relate with "regularly" the  Hubble   (Ho). The inverted commas enter As the even if is named regularly the Ho it is sure that it is altered with the time.
It expresses the rhythm of dilation of space and it is the number of   Km that grows in a sec distance of  Mpc   (
»30820824 * 10^15 Km).
In the classic kosmologjka' models, without kosmologjki' regularly, the time  Hubble is a top limit of age universe, while in the models with accelerating dilation it can be also smaller than the age universe.

The price of Ho has been measured with enough ways last decades 
http:// www. geocities. COM / Area51 / Nebula / 3735/dates. html  
http:// www. astro. uni - bonn. de / ~ dfischer / mirror / 249. html  
http:// bicomnet. COM / ritchieobs / bpnlr55. pdf


Last measurements of NASA have calculated that the Ho = 71  ±  4  Km / s  Mpc   = 67-75  Km / s  Mpc. Changing the measurements of Ho in billions years of light (bly) with the press To=1/Ho we calculate To=14,59-13,04  bly.
Reversely the age universe  (To) was measured in February  2003 in 13,7
±1% of billion years of light (bly) = 13,563-13,837  bly that correspond in Ho=72,108-70,68 respectively.. 

We observe therefore that the press To=1/Ho is in effect today with a biggest percentage divergence 5%. This is the biggest divergence and it is owed in our weakness to measure with bigger precision the Ho. They are also important that the medium prices of measurements verify almost the press. 

Personally I believe that the divergence - if it exists - will be particularly small something that will show that the script that we make does not abstain from the reality. Also the script considers that the himself was also in effect in the past. The likely deceleration past or the likely acceleration present and the kampy'lwsi universe from his mass-energy (that it changes age) do not influence in particularly important degree the precision of press To=1/Ho. 
As the universe  is homogeneous and isotropic in each point they practise equal and opposite forces in the 3d space to all the directions. Consequently does not have meaning the point to change his kinetic situation. In the 4d space (with addition of dimension of time) things differ but do not know exist proofs that we can use the dimension of time in applications of forces.
In every case I receive axiomatic the force of press To=1/Ho, and continue with the calculations.

1. I consider that what it should we are careful particularly they are that in the dilation where To=1/Ho exists a particularly important attribute that we will need below:
As we will see then the speed of removal 2 objects (B = S * Ho)  remains constant with the byway of time, As the in the press   that profit we have from the increase of distance (S), him we lose  from the reduction of Ho  .

Mathematics this is proved as follows:

Be it initially distance of bodies A,V   SAB  the moment .

After time  dt  the distance will have become  SA'B' =  SAB + Ho *  SAB *  dt.

Initial speed was  VAB = Ho *  SAB = (1/) *  SAB ==>  SAB =  VAB *  

The final speed is   VA'B' = Ho' *  SA'B'    = (1/(+ dt)) * ( SAB + Ho *  SAB *  dt) = 
= (1/(+ dt)) * ( VAB *    +  VAB *  dt) =  VAB * (+ dt)/(+ dt)) =  VAB      

2. it is obvious that in order to it is doubled the size universe  you require time that also the running age (ph it will become double in 13,7 billions years). 



As we see therefore the calculations in the 3 units that follow receiving that
Age universe=To=13,7 billion years
Ho=1/To=71,38686  Km / s  Mpc
Universe he is homogeneous and isotropic
Topical velocity of the bodies as for the space they are not taken into consideration.
The speed of light you consider constant in all the development universe.
The calculations become with simulation in computer with step of calculations capable it ensures the precision of computers.


I was lented the title from the black holes. The subject is if exists the utmost limit, a conceivable circular surface that a body or wave might not never reach in the ground even if it is moved with the speed of light.
The law of  Hubble is  B = S * Ho where:
B is the speed of removal of body that abstains distance  S. (I point out here that for speeds of dilation of space does not exist limit neither naturally the speed of light. The theory does not limit the speed with which is only expanded the space, the speed of bodies has superHor limit of - light -).
In order to becomes  B = c = 299,792  Km / sec should be removed distance:
S1 = c / Ho = 299.792  Km / sec   / 71,38686  Km / s  Mpc   = 4199,54  Mpc.
In this distance all speed covers the light in time Dt, so much is added because the dilation and consequently the distance that remains it is covered she is same. Consequently the luminous beam appears that it will not accomplish us approaches never. This is specious but no true. With the byway of time Ho you become smaller and consequently for constant distance  S1 then   S1 * Ho  become smaller speed  c, so that the luminous beam begins to approach also in particular accelerating as well as  S it will be decreased with continuously increasing rhythms.

Of course because with the  S  you decrease also the Ho, the light can cover any distance, despite that nead a huge but finite time..
In the beginning if the distance is bigger than S the light is removed.


Then however because the Ho minimizes always also the interval that remains it slows down his dilation it accomplishes the light it covers the distance.
They follow diagrams on distance 2S and 5S where appear the enormous years of where nead



Afterwards the season of inflation  where it existed very big rhythm of dilation began the season of dilation that we know today. This became 15*10 -32 sec and the size universe was 10 cm.  
After universe it needs time those who also his age in order to it doubles tome'geco's toy(ph will become double in 13,7 billions years) his speed that the moment was V=10 cm/15*10 -32    sec=(1/15)*1028 Km/sec. This is also the biggest speed who of his removed points.
His rhythm of dilation was then Ho=1/t=1/15*10 -32    sec=2.05614*10  50 Km/sec * Mpc. 
Today the each Mpc increases at 71Km/sec the distance who of his removed points is (1/15)*1028/71,38686 = 933,87868112796*1022Mpc = 3044444500,477*1022 years of light that are also the size universe.


In a body that we observe today, exist 3 distances that him characterize.

1.I distance that it had from the ground when it emitted the electromagnetic' radiation that we receive So

2.I distance that travel the light in order to reaches in the ground P. Because the dilation of distance So at the duration of travel S = c * t>So

3.I distance that you find the body today Snow. Obviously Snow > S>So because the distance of that body is always bigger than the distance of light and consequently the himself is in effect for the dilation.

The 3 sizes are calculated as follows:
1. So. Receiving that we go behind to the time Dt (years) the distance So it increases at scetos*Dt isl the distance that covers the light in the Dt and is decreased with the dilation of distance, in the time this (So*Dt/2)*Ho*Dt.
 increase is Ds = scetos * dt-(So*Dt/2)*Ho*Dt
where scetos it is the distance in Km that cover the light in one year

Dt in years

Ho se Km/(Km*year).

The total time is the total of Dt, dil t=S (Dt)

2. S After time t the light taxj'deyse S = scetos * t

3. Snow the Snow counterbalances with the initial distance of emission So plus the distance because the dilation in time t. Since the speed of removal V(Km/year) as I showed is constant and equal with Ho of emission (the moment of emission) * So
 Snow = So + Ho of emission * So * t.

The calculations became with step of 10 years going reversely to the time and receiving price for the diagram each 100.000. 000 years. I want to stress here that the step of calculations has been received with base possibilities of current PCS so that they remove result in legitimate time. In any case because the enormous time interval that you calculate the step of calculatHon it has very small effect. In the diagram that follows we sea the same calculation for step 1,10,100 and 1000 years. We see that the difference is optically non-existent

In the next diagram you can see the result of calculations

I have made 2 diagrams. In first appear also the 3 sizes So, S, Snow in order to becomes perceptible the difference. In second appear only the So, S in order to they appear better.

In order to we imagine better the measurements as we imagine that we can freeze the time and measure distances of emission and receptions in various moments.



That the So curve is absolutely physiologic, and does not constitute any change of phase universe. Do not forget that universe they were in the first stages very small in size and consequently the beam of light that began ph 10.000.000 years afterwards the big explosion would be obligatory in small distance from the matter of our solar system (then did not exist neither ground neither solar system shaped).

We observe therefore that the body that was more far when it emitted and reached his light in the ground were roughly 4,76 10^22 Km (5,03*10^9 years of light) far and emitted before 8,66 billons years. Naturally it is not who removed body from what we see now, simply the light of other bodies that was older shorter in the ground began initially to remove in order to they reverse then the direction of their relative speed and they reach now the ground.

As second observation the older radiation that we receive (emission 380.000 afterwards the big explosion they were from matter that abstained then only 3,769 10^19 Km (3.986.570 years of light) and needed 12.999.620.000 years in order to it reaches in the ground 

The up diagram in order to it has usefulness it should we know the years that the Snow or the years that travel the light. We you use the shift to red (redshift) the radiation that you symbolize with z
It is in effect that 1 + z = Snow/So 
èz = snow/so-.
After I calculated the diagram that will give from z the years where travel the light, and thus we can use this  diagram in order to  find the Snow, So.

The diagram is drawn and partially.  


validakis Constantine (konstantinos) 045518761