The conflicts of asteroids, can cause enormous volcanoes.


The two prevailing theories, for the disappearance of dinosaurs are:

1) An   asteroid crash in the peninsula Yucatan, in Mexico

2) From intense volcanic activity mainly in the region Deccan of India


I believe that, an asteroid, can cause enormous volcanoes, in the antipode of Earth.

The facts are:

1)Before 65.000.000 years India was precisely in the antipode from Mexico
2)Similarly, almost
before 252.000.000 years Siberia was precisely in the antipode from Australia (bedout)


On the visible side of the moon there are a lot of dark, impact areas with 2 Km depth.
On the opposite side, rocks melted and a localized magnetizm was created due to the fact that the area was frozen. The height of there mountains is 2-8 Km.
Is that an accident?

4)In the planet Mercurythere is the Caloris basin. It was formed from an impact  with asteroid . The shock wave produced by the Caloris impact was reflected and focused to this antipodal point, thus jumbling the crust and breaking it into a series of complex blocks. This area’s name is Weird terrain

Hills of Mercury



Caloris Basin
Caloris Basin Floor





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I believe that, simulation programs of Earth can prove the correlation.

Also, more precise methods of time measuring, can also prove the correlation.



Validakis Constantinos

Mechanical engineer N.T.U.Athens