ValIdakis D konstantinos Mechanical Engineer of National Techical University Athens.

Email: validakis@gmail.COM 

SUMMARY: As it is acquaintance the speed of communications reaches until the speed of light. This creates small problems in the level of earth, when however we want communicate in our solar system the size of problems it grows, while in galactic or universe level the problems become unconquerably.

The combination a) of instantaneous quantum communication between connected particles and v) the experiment of 2 holes, can us allow instantaneous communication of big distances and contact with other extraterrestrial cultures.

1. IMPORT: The speed of light (299792 Km/Sec) be according to the special theory the relativity the big speed that can travel the wave. The kvantjki' theory as it allows instantaneous interaction from distance. I will show that we can exploit the quantum attribute in order to sent instantaneously dispatch information in big distances. It should I point out that the description of mechanism will become in theorist and no in practical level.

2. PROVISION OF 2 HOLES: As we imagine a launcher of electrons (or photons) to a surface with 2 holes FIG 1. Behind this surface exists second surface with photosensitive material where are recorded the electrons that smash. If we try to check the holes in order to we see from who it passes the electron then or distribution of electrons is different from the case where we do not observe the system (in the first case the electron behaves as particle, in second as wave therefore has phenomena of contribution) FIG2.


3. EXPERIMENT OF TEAM ALAIN ASPAI: In a other experiment the team Alain Aspai proved that the instantaneous interaction of two interrelated (debate) photons that travelled in opposite directions. As in the experiment of two holes observation of photons made them select situation. Instantaneously the debate's photon acquired attribute that would be reconciled with the attribute that has acquired first.


I will show now that we can combine above in order to we can transport information.

Imagine a symmetrical experiment of 2 holes. In the centre of distance is placed a source of debate photons which then is sent in different directions as in the experiment of team Alain Aspai. A beam of photons reaches in a level with two slots while second similarly from the other direction.


Making observation of first beam we will cause the event of particle's nature of photons. Himself they owe to follow also the photons of second beam without observation of holes of second level will be supposed to give a distribution in the photosensitive surface same with the distribution first. If we want to transport the byte 11011101 we must begin interrupt the observation of beam depending on whether we want to send the 1 (observation-behavior particle) or 0 (lack of observation - wave behavior). In the second level the distribution of photons will be the same of first and we can translate the signal 11011101

5. DIFFICULTIES OF EXPERIMENTAL PROVISION. It is obvious that the particular mechanism can be checked in the laboratory but is difficult to function in solar level and perhaps impossible thing for galactic level

6. ADVANTAGES OF METHOD. This system is at least the equivalent between signals of fire and the current radiocommunications.

7. COMMUNICATION WITH EXTRATERRESTRIAL If it could be used this method who would try it transmits in big distances with radiocommunications; It is as if we today observe from satellite the emissions of fire and we try to remove some coded signal.

They use certain natural source of emission that would produce debate particles. Do not forget also the attribute of photons they unfold as wave in the space and in enormous distances and they are changed suddenly in photons when it needs

8. CONCLUSION. We must found natural ways of similar emission. Then the SETI must begin to search in the interval for such signals.

See for better the Greek translation