Can a prophecy be unambiguous?


Why is the message in coded form?


I will prove with one simple example that, if a real prophet exists, then he, cannot speak clearly because:
He will cancel the prophecy and consequently will not see it . Something should be done to prevent him because the prophecy will simply never become a reality.



Let us suppose that:  a true prophet, in 1980 prophesizes that:
A future chairman of USA namely Bill Clinton will become involved in a scandal with his secretary Monica Lewinski.
Will the scandal become a reality?
The answer is no.
Perhaps Clinton considers that the prophet could and should distinguished upcoming fame. Perhaps again he considers that the prophecy helped him in his pre-election campaign. But, he will never take the risk.  He will never have a relationship with this particular secretary.


A New universe

If we have a flow of information, within a time period then the Universe has time feedback.

The Universe as a whole is not only the mass and energy that exists at this moment in the space around as –Uold (this is only one frame in the film) but Universe includes each and every scene of the film-Unew (space-time).


And now we reach the moment whereby the film haw been completed, (everything has become a matter of fate-destiny). We find ourselves on centre stage as protagonists. The next step is simply to observe the film.


After innumerable feedbacks, a balance between space and time finds its place and the film that is before our eyes in now completed.


It is without a shadow of a doubt quite difficult for mankind to accept such a UniverseUnew. At the same time we must remember that there are factors in physics that we cannot comprehend with this present theory-Uold . On the contrary, they come to light and can be explained very easily within the former universe.


  1. Heisenberg- Uncertainty Principle


  1. The Copenhagen interpretation. - Niels Borh. Observer influences the result of the experiment.
  2. Quantum mechanics. Experiments of two holes. The Universe sends information about the holes to electrons back at time.
  3. Instantaneous quantum communication between the connected particles. Just as the universe sends instantaneous information, back to time, so too can it send instantaneous, information to space.
  4. The Theory of General Relativity teach us that the Universe has 4 dimensions. Time is one more dimension. It is wrong, if we consider that the universe has only the 3-dimensions.
  5. Information paradox. Information cannot be destroyed. What happen when it falls in a black hole? Absolutely nothing because the Universe has stored the lost information in old frames and can recall them back. We must don't forget   information can travel through the time at Unew.