SORRY ABOUT TRANSLATION (if you have problem please don't read it)

Every other material except H, He and Li was made in SN.
So SN procedure was absolutely necessary for life. Is now dander for us?

In the last 2000 years human watch SN in 185,1006,1054,1181,1572 1604 êáé 1680

In 1987 we watch SN1987 A 170000 Years Light away YL. It had mass 20 times bigger than Sun. In a Sec send 100 times bigger energy than then sun will emit all its life. 99% was netrino energy.

Nearest SN stars is:

Antares 325-500 YL.
Betelgeuse 425 (+-92)YL

Also Eta Carinae 7500 YL 100 times heavier than sun is ready to explode.

Because of the galaxy move some stars will get nearest in the future.

I read hundreds of articles in books and internet. I added calculations , ideas (italics writing ) and wrote this article.


There are 2 parameters

A) radiation B)material shell


Light: If SN is 1 YL away is equal with sun. If it is 333 YL awayÅÖ is 1/100.000 of sun influence (full moon is 1/50.000). So don't worry about light.

Netrino: Will endure 20 seconds. There are 2 tanks for scouting netrino. SN in 1987 (170.000 YL) send to earth billion netrinos /cm2. Tanks recorded 19.
If Betelgeuse explode in a human 80 Kgr 23 netrinos will interactive . So don't worry
Netrino is outrider for us, because is faster from x rays and gamma rays. Will give time to government protect people and satellites

X rays: Will endure 1 hour. Atmosphere and magnetic field protect us from x rays. If SN is 50-100 YL is equal to Sun. Although some SN is very active in X rays, 330 YL is goodly distance. So don't worry.
preventively we must shut down our satellites for few hours .

Gamma rays: A SN type Ia 3600 YL away produce 1000 times more gamma radiation from Sun. Betelgeuse will produce 71500 more radiation.
It is not clear about the damage will occur. A astronaut will kill after 1 hour but atmosphere and magnetic field protect us.
For Ozon destroy needs 100.000 erg/cm2

A SN produce 10^42 erg/sec gamma and x rays. I calculate (see GREEK text) 326 YL away field is 0,836564 erg/cm2Sec So don't worry about ozon. I will proof a deferent way for ozon destroy later in this page(a theory support a SN 2000000 years before destroy ozon).

SN sent netrino 18 hours before radiation and 10 months before gamma rays. We'll have time protect ourself.

B)material shell

A SN sent protons , iron, oxygen e.t . No one know how material disperse.

Spreading isn't isomerism because stars rotation. (See photos)

Cassiopia-A is 11.000 YL away. Explosion start 300 years ago.

Cassiopa and ÓÍ 1987 had there poles towards earth on the contrary ÓÍ 1054 sent his material toward earth.

His shell travels with speed 1. 800 km/sec. It has escape from the field of gravity of former star. Iit will reach in earth in 1.050.000 years

Sure is that exist also other such remains that travel to the earth from old SN.

Daily the earth accepts 20.000 Kgr of materials that crash into in her surface. Somebody from them is from the sun (cores of hydrogen, helium), somebody from the remains is from comets, other is simple from the initial matter that was shaped the solar system and the rest will be from ancient SN.

  1. BIG OBJECTS. For the big objects (bigger than 200 m) we will have the known problems of meteorites.
  2. MEDIUM OBJECTS (1 cm - 200 m). These cause local scale destructions, but a lot of them can create problems of world scope.

Ph certain thousands from them in a summertime scattered in all the hemisphere can cause fires and destroy the bigger forests of planet.

III. SMALLER OBJECTS. (The dust and the smaller particles however lead to exceptionally dangerous situations. Except from the consequences that it has their fall in the Earth, they can reduce luminous energy that we accepted from the sun, send comets from Oort area against to earth.

There was a periodicity of glaciers that you repeat roughly per 100.000.000 years. Scientists are guess that: solar system pass through from a spiral arm of galaxy with width 1500 years of light. The rallies of gases and dust there are enough big and they change the quantity of light that reaches in the Earth.

From who however distance can influence a SN the Earth?

I did not find in the bibliography and in the internet enough information and will try a approach.

The mass of SN that escape is roughly 80%.

The speed of material reaches until 30.000 km/sec.

The calculations that follow are indicative. I have made enough admissions.

In order to we help the calculation we will suppose that the matter covers (because the rotation that I reported) the half volume of imaginable ball that create from the diameter that covers the exterior surface of shell.

Also it results from the photographs that the proportion of speed of faster materials than who late is 3:1. Create therefore a conical ring where the exterior diameter is triples of internal. I make the fair also that in this region the density of matter is same and I do not calculate the different velocity between star and earth..

In any case it should I stress that the above admissions (in the degree that is not in effect) can lead to worse results. Ph if the density of matter is not uniform will make bad the situation if our solar system enters in a denser region. Still the rotation of galaxy can remove the shell but it can also lead it with bigger speed on us.

Base above I calculate:

The volume in which you scatter the matter in distance D=Smax = 3*Smin (in YL):
V=1/2* (4*p*Smax3/3-4*p*Smin3/3)
V=8,15442 1047 * D3 (m3)
In the earth it will reach in T1=300000*D/Vmax (years) Where Vmax is the speed exterior DIAMETER (Km/Sec) and D is distance SN and EARTH (yl).

From the earth it will overtake in time T2=2T1

The medium density of materials it will be R=M/V (Kgr/m3) Where M is the ejected mass M=0,8*Mstar and Mstar is the initial mass os star (Kgr).

Making the calculations for the Betelgeuse I find that V=8,154421047 * 425
V=3,46562 1050 m3 With speed 3000 km/sec they will reach the splinters in the earth in T1 = 4250 years and will overtake T2=8500 years later.

The medium density of tshell when it reaches in the earth would be P=0,8*20*Msun/V=16 * 1,99 10^30/V (Kgr/m3)
P = 9,18738 10^(-20) (Kgr/m3).

This density is responsible for the sum of solar energy that will reach in the Earth.

This density I consider that is not devastating, because it will be 1,51 times bigger than that they are today. Today density is 6,06455 10-20 (Kgr/m3).

In order to calculate the mass that will fall in the earth I make the following calculations: The Earth move with speed V2=30 Km/Sec round the sun. Her radius is 6363. 9 Km and has a frontal surface S=p*Rgis2=1,27232 10^8 Km^2.
Sweep V3=3,2978534 10^23 (m3/day).

Mainly however because the speed of remains (3. 000 Km/Sec)=100
V4=3,2978534 1025 (m3/day).

Total volume V5=V3+V4=3,33 10^25 (m3/day).

Consequently per day they will fall in Earth V5*P=3. 060. 162 Kgr. This number will be sure bigger because the mass force of solar system and Earth for example 4. 000. 000 Kgr. If however we compare with the 20000 Kgr that fall in the Earth daily we observe that 200 times bigger fall of mass is enough quantity in order to it causes destructions on 8. 500 years.

As however we saw the volume and generally the density is influenced with the cube of distance. Thus for a star in one third of distance of Betelgeuse (41 EF), the effect will be 33*200=5. 400 times bigger (108. 000. 000 Kgr/Day) that is terribly dangerous. Do not forget also that if speeds is 30. 000 Km/Sec will have (1. 0800. 000. 000 Kgr/Day)


Then this approximate method I had the chance to read the article in the address It refers in the deposition of iron-60 before 2. 000. 000 years in the ground.. The professor Narciso Benitez incriminates the swarm of stars of Scorpion - Cancer that explode when they were 130 EF long from the Earth. Because the rotation of galaxy the swarm is now 424 EF far.

I connected this report with my calculations and I saw that with a bombardment 580. 000. 000 - 5. 800. 000. 000 Kgr/Day would send a lot of iron in the thousands years that needed in order to they overtake the remains in the Earth.

The big disappearance of that season (pleiocenos-Pleistocene) they attribute in destruction of layer of ozone that was caused by radiation of SN. I have found however also a other script.

we proof radiation can destroy ozone layer from 130 YL

Exists however also and another mechanism that can destroy ozone except radiation .

The SN emits enough oxygen. When this crash in atmosphere with high speed is developed high temperatures and becomes union with atmospheric nitrogen. Is shaped a red fog from oxides of nitrogen. This cloud covers the sun and in his reaction with water vapours transubstantiate in nitrogen acid (cankerous as much as acid of batteries).

The problems however do not stop there.Oxides of nitrogen react and destroy ozone with result the free entry of radiation on the surface of planet. This phenomenon will last thousands years, until remove the matter of shell from the solar system.

In order to remove our fears the phenomena from the ejected matter will happen in bad scenario 10*DISTANCE years afterwards the news of SN. (for antares 3250 years later)

It appears that for the stars and her distances that today us surround exist the following dangers:
1) problems in the satellites of also health problem from radiation of high energy. Will exist however the warnings from netrino and thus I hope with the right world guidance will overcoming them .
2)From the big splinters. Asteroid - comets etc is already a big fear and becomes efforts found on time and deterrence them. As we hope the efforts in this sector to attribute.
3) For the small splinters we only can act minimize the consequences.
4)I smaller ejected matter creates the bigger problems. It will be however in sufferably for the environment levels for the distances that we have today.It is sure there is not case of obliteration of human from the planet as did not happen in monkeys (in worse conditions)
2.000. 000 years before.



VALIDAKIS konstantinos