Marconi Union

Marconi Union
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marconi Union are a UK band formed sometime around 2002 when Talbot and Crossley met while working in a Manchester record shop. They have a reputation for being somewhat elusive as they frequently refuse interview requests and show little interest in promoting themselves despite having attracted considerable critical acclaim.
On 16 October 2011, Marconi Union created an eight-minute track, titled «Weightless», in collaboration with the British Academy of Sound Therapy.
According to scientists at the Mindlab institution (a commercial ‘neuromarketing’ company) it induced a 65% reduction in overall anxiety and brought test subjects’ resting pulse rates to 35% of their usual resting rates. The song features guitar, piano and manipulated field recordings. It is punctuated throughout by low tones that supposedly induce a trance-like state. This piece propelled the band into the media spotlight and news reports, and was reported in newspapers worldwide.

Iron Maiden

The Band

Iron Maiden are an institution. Over the course of nearly 40 years they have come to embody a spirit of fearless creative independence, ferocious dedication to their fans, and a cheerful indifference to their critics that?s won them a following that spans every culture, generation, and time-zone. A story of gritty determination and courageous defiance of the naysayers, theirs has been an adventure like no other, and with the rapturous receipt of their 16th studio album they?re showing no signs of slowing down.

An album that neatly encapsulates Iron Maiden?s huge creative range, The Book Of Souls is nothing less than a 92-minute masterpiece – a cannon-blast of exuberant, anthemic bravado that serves as cast-iron confirmation of just how much they have left in the tank. From the infectious, stadium-skewering hooks of The Red And The Black to the lofty ambition of the 18-minute Empire Of The Clouds, it?s the artistic summation of everything that?s given Iron Maiden such deep resonance and universal appeal. Like the breathless excitement and scale of their stage shows, their remarkable new double-album is emblematic of a stout-hearted refusal to do anything by half-measures and an irrepressible sense of fun.

William Shakespeare

Encyclopedia Britannica
Written By: Terence John Bew Spencer, John Russell Brown, David Bevington,

Differentiated Instruction

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Differentiated instruction and assessment (also known as differentiated learning or, in education, simply, differentiation) is a framework or philosophy for effective teaching that involves providing different students with different avenues to learning (often in the same classroom) in terms of: acquiring content; processing, constructing, or making sense of ideas; and developing teaching materials and assessment measures so that all students within a classroom can learn effectively, regardless of differences in ability. Students vary in culture, socioeconomic status, language, gender, motivation, ability/disability, personal interests and more, and teachers must be aware of these varieties as they plan curriculum. By considering varied learning needs, teachers can develop personalized instruction so that all children in the classroom can learn effectively. Differentiated classrooms have also been described as ones that respond to student variety in readiness levels, interests and learning profiles. It is a classroom that includes all students and can be successful. To do this, a teacher sets different expectations for task completion for students based upon their individual needs.