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Joomla! Facts

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Here are some interesting facts about Joomla!

  • Over 210,000 active registered Users on the Official Joomla! community forum and more on the many international community sites.
    • over 1,000,000 posts in over 200,000 topics
    • over 1,200 posts per day
    • growing at 150 new participants each day!
  • 1168 Projects on the JoomlaCode (joomlacode.org ). All for open source addons by third party developers.
    • Well over 6,000,000 downloads of Joomla! since the migration to JoomlaCode in March 2007.
  • Nearly 4,000 extensions for Joomla! have been registered on the Joomla! Extension Directory
  • Joomla.org exceeds 2 TB of traffic per month!
Last Updated on Saturday, 09 August 2008 16:46  


Joomla! 1.5 - 'Experience the Freedom'!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web site. Manage all your content from the best CMS admin interface and in virtually any language you speak.