What kids need..

Perhaps the most important factor of all is time. Without enough time to spend with kids and be a parent, “You miss out on the wonderful privileges of parenting,” Dr. Rotbart says. “And kids miss out on some of their needs.”

Some of the things kids need:

  1. Security : Kids must feel safe and sound, with their basic survival needs met: shelter, food, clothing, medical care and protection from harm.
  2. Stability: Stability comes from family and community. Ideally, a family remains together in a stable household, but when that’s not possible, it’s important to disrupt the child’s life as little as possible.
  3. Consistency: Parents should synchronize their parenting and make sure important values stay consistent.
  4. Emotional support: Parents’ words and actions should encourage kids’ trust, respect, self-esteem and, ultimately, independence.
  5. Love: Even when your kids have disobeyed, angered, frustrated and rebelled against you, show them you love them and that you’ll always love them.
  6. Education: Make sure your kids get the best possible education for their future. This includes school, of course, but it also includes the invaluable life lessons you provide during the time you spend together.
  7. Positive role models: Parents are their kids’ first and most important role models.
  8. Structure: Rules, boundaries, and limits: Without them, kids are forced to be adults before they are ready, and they lose respect for you and other adults.

Can schools be a healthy environment?

What is school health?

  • a healthful environment for students and teachers,
  • health services that students need to stay in school,
  • nutritious school meals,
  • opportunities for physical activity (physical education etc)
  • health education taught by knowledgeable teachers
  • programs that promote the health of school faculty and staff, and
  • counseling, psychological and social services

What can schools do?

  • Hire a full-time certified school nurse who spends most of his or her day attending to the acute and chronic health needs of students such as acute health problems and also refers children to their physician for physical exams, diagnosis, and treatment. School nurses can also play a central role in promoting a healthy and safe school environment. He or she is responsible for training other staff members (teachers, administrators, secretaries, health aides) to handle acute health situations when the nurse is not on site.
  • Urge the nurse practitioner to work­ with consulting physicians, school nurses, social workers, or health educators in a school-based health center where routine medical care is delivered in the school. This has been an important and successful way to provide care to students in areas where care has been limited because of a lack of health-care providers, an absence of insurance, or transportation problems.