Which sentences best summarise the description of the castle of Kalamata?
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The castle is located at the North-West side of Kalamata.
Its initial name was Farai or Fares and is mentioned in Iliad as one of the seven cities offered by Agamemnon to Achilles to ease his anger.
In the 16th century A.D. a church was constructed devoted to Virgin Mary.
It was conquered by Frank knights, Slav peasants, the Turks and finally the Venetians.
Kalamata, and consequently the castle, was liberated on 23 March 1821.
The castle was constructed during Byzantine period.
Inside the castle there is a palace contrusted by the Venetians.
Farai or Fares was a gift from Telemachus to his son Odysseus.
The castle of Kalamata was never conquered by anyone throughout its long history.
It has been restored to its initial condition and is used as a royal residence.
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