Healthy Diet

A nutritional diet is a good mix of proteins (meat, fish, lentils, eggs, and nuts for example) carbohydrates (rice, bread, and wheat for example) and fats (cheese, oil, butter, and nuts for example) as well as enough variety of vitamins (A, B, E) and minerals (magnesium and potassium for example) to give the body all that it needs to keep well.

A balanced diet should also provide just the right amount of calories (energy) to stop you getting overweight. A lot of people think a high fibre (the indigestible portion of plant foods) diet is the best for controlling weight as it makes you feel full. In general, a diet low in sugar or salt is better for the health of most people so fast food (like a burger or kebab) should only be a treat.

Simple Present

Form of Affirmative Sentences

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. I (to like)  lemonade very much.
  2. The girls always (to listen)  to pop music.
  3. Janet never (to wear)  jeans.
  4. Mr Smith (to teach)  Spanish and French.
  5. You (to do)  your homework after school.

1η Συνάντηση μαθητών

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