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Taking Action…

An action plan for the integration of refugees in our area by Maria, Kostas and Despina Our town wants to embrace immigrants and help them have a better life here. We are willing to help them and, of course, show them affection and compassion. Our town can integrate at least two hundred people and we…

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Migrant Crisis

The diary of a young migrant Monday 11th November 2018 My dear diary, I am at home right now, which is an airport in Elliniko after a long day. Today was a rough day but at the end of it, everything turned out as expected. Yesterday at school some kids made fun of me because…

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Ένα πρώτο δοκιμαστικό άρθρο

Ένα άρθρο για να δούμε πως δημιουργούμε αναρτήσεις στο πλαίσιο του Πανελλήνιου Σχολικού Δικτύου. ‘Ομορφες αναρτήσεις με σωστό περιεχόμενο! Καλή αρχή… Τα στοιχεία ενός άρθρου: περιεχόμενοδομήαισθητική This is the end…ή όχι;

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