Ø 2005 Athens University, PHD student in “The European Dimension of Religious Education”. Ø
2004 Mphil, Athens
University. Ø
1996 BA, Athens University, Philosophy- Psychology-
Pedagogy. Ø
1992 BSC, Charokopio University, Home Economics Ø
1987 BA, Athens University, Theology. Ø
Upper High School Diploma with distinction. IN
State teachers’ training
01/11/1995-22/12/1995 Subject: «Didactic, Theory and Practice. Pedagogical, Environmental, Social, and
Philosophical matters and Problems of Religious Subjects». 01/04/1996
Subject: «Religion, Education and School Practice» 14/10/1999-15/10/1999 Subject: New Books for
High School 3/3/1999
Subject: «Greeks Students Drama Competition» SEMINARS - CONFERENCES - ANNOUNCEMENTS23 -26/2/1994 Participation in State Environmental Education Seminar, subject: «Study on the Acropolis Rock» 7/4/1994
Announcement, in State Environmental Education Seminar,
subject: «My School Area». 27-29 /9/ 1994 Participation in 16th International Patristic Conference in Athens, subject: « Saint Gregory of
Nyssa». Scientific
Announcement, Subject: « Gregorios Nyssis- Christology
matters». 16
-18 /3/1995 Participation
in State Environmental Education Seminar, subject: «Athinas Avenue» 11 /11/ 1995 Participation in Seminar, subject: « Orthodox Christian Culture in Secondary Education», organized by Athens College.
2-4 /7/ 1995 Participation in the 1st Theology Post Graduate Students’ Association Conference, subject
" Sex Relationships". Scientific
Announcement, Subject:
in Ecumenical Session ». 3-
15 /11/1997 Participation in EĐEAEK. Seminar, subject: «Supporting Teachers in Modern School» 14
-15 /5/ 1998 Participation in
State Seminar, subject « Improvement of the High School Education» 24 /10/ 1998 Participation in Seminar organized by Theology Teachers Association, subject: «New Book,
Methods, and
Students’ Evaluation». 27
/4/ 1999
Participation in State Seminar, subject: « Students’
Evaluation in Religious Teaching». 3-5
/10/ 1999
Participation in the 8th National Theology Conference in
Athens. 28 /8 -2 /9 2000 Participation in International Theology Seminar, subject: «World and Man’s Creation –
Challenges and thoughts in 2000», Organized by the Constantinople
Patriarchate, Istanbul. 16
/10/ 2001
Participation in State Pedagogical Seminar on Religious Teaching. 6-8 /7/2002 Participation in the 8th Theology Post Graduate Students’ Association Conference, subject «Orthodoxy, Nationalism and Fundamentalism», Syros. 11 /1/2003 Participation in State Seminar, Subject: « Saint Gregory of Nyssa. Pedagogy, Humanism, and Theology». 4-6 /7/ 2003 Participation in 9th Theology Post Graduated Students’ Conference, subject: «Ancient Greece and Christianity», Skiathos. 27-28 /9/2003 Participation in 2nd National Conference of Home Economics Scientists, subject: «The Vision for Quality in the Modern Multicultural Society». Scientific Announcement for European Educational
Projects. 5
/12/ 2003 Participation in Seminar for
organizing and supporting Gruntdving 2, Socrates projects. 4
/11/ 2004
Participation in State Seminar, subject: «Cultural Educational
Matters». 13-15 /5/2005 Participation in the 3rd National State Conference for ICT subject «The development of ICT in Teaching». 14-16/10/2005 Participation in Seminar, subject «From the black board to broadband connections», organized by Scientific Association of Primary Teachers. 1/10/2005 – 30/11/05 Participation in online Seminar for teachers, held by Aristotle University, of Salonika. Subjects: Didactics Methods in Moderns Education, Use of the ICT for teaching, Psychological Support, Organization and Management of the Education. 4 /2/ 2006 Participation in State Seminar, subject «New Technology in Education». Scientific Announcement, subject: «eTwinning- The challenge of European Collaboration». 14/12/2005 Scientific Announcement, for New School Books in State Conference for Training School
Advisors. International Conferences- Seminars Participation in: 7
European Conferences for Values Education under the Comenius
Action (2000-2002), Spain, November 2000, Ireland, February 2001,
Greece, May 2001, Spain, October 2001-Scientific
Announcement, on Values Education, Italy,
April 2002, Greece, May 2002, Spain, October 2002-Scientific
for collaborative projects. 14-16
/2/2003 European Conference organized by EUN, in Brussels, subject: “
New Technologies and Pedagogies ,The Keys to Collaboration” . Marts
2003, International Conference for Collaborative projects, organized by
Feyziye Mektepleri Vafki Ozel Isik Mudurlugu , Istanbul.
Announcement, for Collaborative Projects Certificate
by Saarlandes University,
Germany for the successful participation in International online Seminar.
Subject: «Teaching and Learning in Virtual Learning Environments»
Summer 2004. Work with computer supported collaborative learning
environments, work in a team and an international group, critically
analyze and evaluate existing virtual learning environments, understand
and discuss issues related to VLEs from two perspectives: pedagogical and
technological, identify and discuss potential problems related to VLEs,
plan and design a concept for a virtual course on a given topic).
2005. Participation in 1st European E-Twinning
Conference organized by EUN, in Brussels. top PROJECTSNational
1992-1993 49th
Lyceum of Athens, coordinator of Environmental Education project, subject
“Patissia our
neighbour”. We
presented our project to the European Committee for Educational projects,
when they visited Athens. We presented also our project to Directors and
teachers from Athens in a state Seminar. - 1993- 1994 18th Lyceum of Athens, coordinator of Environmental Education project, subject "Prespes. Environmental and Cultural heritage". National Award. Coordinator
of school ancient drama performance “Oedipus Tyrannous”. -
1994-1995 2nd
Lyceum of Zografos, coordinator of Environmental Education project,
subject “Omonia, an historical Square” National Award. -
1995-1996 49th Lyceum of Athens, coordinator of
Environmental Education project, subject “Olympic Games”. -
1995-1996 49th
Lyceum of Athens, coordinator of school modern drama performance. -
1995-1996 65th
Lower High School of Athens, Coordinator of
Young Consumers Education. National
and European Award. -
1996-1977 8th Lyceum of Athens,
coordinator of Cultural Activities project, subject “Religious Art». -
Evening School of Agii Anargyroi, coordinator of Cultural
Activities project, subject “Religious Art”. National Award. -
1997-1998 Evening
School of Agii Anargyroi, coordinator of Health Education project, subject
“Sexual transmitted diseases”. -
Evening School of Agii Anargyroi, coordinator of Cultural
Activities project, subject “Religious Art”. National Award (2nd
Year). -
1998-1999 Evening
School of Agii Anargyroi, coordinator of Health Education project, subject
“Sexual transmitted diseases” (2nd Year). -
1998-1999 Evening School of Agii Anargyroi,
coordinator of Environmental Education project, subject “Vikos. Past-
Present- Future”. -
1998-1999 Evening
School of Agii Anargyroi, coordinator of
Cultural Activities project,, subject “Roman and Byzantine
world”. -
1998-1999 Evening School of Agii Anargyroi,
coordinator of School Drama Performance. State distinction. -
1st Peiramatiko
Likio Athinon, coordinator of Cultural Activities project, subject «Parthenon
Marbles that are located at British Museum». -
1999-2000 1st
Peiramatiko Likio Athinon, coordinator of Cultural Activities
project, subject “Religious Minorities in Greece” . -
2000-20001 1st
Peiramatiko Likio Athinon, coordinator of Cultural Activities
project, subject «Parthenon Marbles that are located at British Museum»
(2nd Year). - 1999-2000 1st Peiramatiko Likio Athinon, coordinator of Cultural Activities project, subject “Religious Minorities in Greece” (2nd year). -2000-20001 1st Peiramatiko Likio Athinon, coordinator of Cultural Activities project, subject "Cooking and Culture". - 2001-2002 1st Peiramatiko Likio Athinon, coordinator of Cultural Activities project, subject "Cooking and Culture" (2nd year). -2003-2004 1st Peiramatiko Likio Athinon, coordinator of Cultural Activities project, subject "Greek Culture and Language". -2004-2005 1st Peiramatiko Likio Athinon, coordinator of Cultural Activities project, subject "Greek Marbles that are located in Louvros Museum" -2004-2005 1st Peiramatiko Likio Athinon, coordinator of Cultural Activities project, subject "Religious minorities in Greece". European- International-
Participation in a Lingua European project with my school
and Monks Park School from Bristol. Our subject was “Olympic Games”.
This project promoted, collaboration between students, teachers and
schools from different countries, the use of different languages, and the
mutual understanding between people and nations.
In this project 50 students were involved and 6 teachers form
Greece and England. We used Internet for our research and MsWord for our
written texts. -
Coordinator of a Mobility European Project. This project was
collaboration of my school with the Greek School in Tübingen
(Germany). Our goal is to promote health Education and Humanities and
Arts. 60 students form Germany and Greece were involved in this project.
We used Internet for our research and Msword for our books that we
published, emails, chat etc. We used also Power Point for our official
presentations. This project was nationally awarded. -
Coordinator of a Comenius 1.1 Project “Values Education. The use
of Internet and foreign language teaching in Secondary Education“. All
my students (200) every year were involved. In this project we
collaborated with 26 schools from 13 countries. We used Internet, Msword,
Excel, Power point, Chat, emails, web editing etc. We created a Website
and we are going to publish a book for new teaching methods. The project
"Más allá de las palabras / Beyond Words" develops
values education inherent in European citizenship, by means of Information
and Communication Technology and the Internet. Its main objectives are to
develop educational procedures which will help students to formulate their
own values system; to enhance the learning of foreign languages, as a
means of broadening cultural exchange; and to acquire skills in ICT and
the use of Internet to explore channels for exchanging views and
reflections on the proposed theme. All
participating school agree that work in the project had positive effects
on the development of the schools, the way of teaching, the development of
new teaching methods, the internal communication inside each school
between staff, students and parents and the external communication between
partner schools and the local community. The differences we discovered
throughout our work were a profitable basis on which we all could develop.
We all saw a lot of things that we done more effectively in other
countries and by those difference got some new ideas and impulses that
helped to improve our work as teachers immensely. It broadened the outlook
on European educational work in general and started many valuable
discussions inside the schools between teachers, parents and students. It
improved the understanding of different cultures and minorities and by
that increases tolerance and diminished prejudices. All of the people
involved, teachers and students and parents got a better insight into the
life in other European cultures. This made the teachers involved
“better” teachers – more tolerant and open to new influences and
ideas and more willing to work in coordination with teachers from other
countries and with pupils in projects on a more “democratic” (even) basis. The
involvement of the students can be best shown by the participation of
Greek students in the Martos’ conference, where they delivered a paper
explaining what European project work means to them and they were equal
partners in that meeting – with ideas and opinions just as valuable as
those mentioned by teachers and other professionals. Younger students in
all countries learned that the way of communicating with other schools and
the means of presenting results from project work were key questions. They
always thought about ways of presenting their results in a way that would
be easy to understand by people who did not speak their language – so
they used drawings or videos to illustrate what they did. This shows that
even young students know about the basis need for openness and
communication in European projects. Some students from Italy (age 8-9)
exchanged letters with students of the same age from Spain and Greece.
They used very simple English and drawings to communicate with each other.
For those students that were the first time they experienced communication
with people from other countries. In
all participating schools European project work has been integrated in the
school curriculum but it is not firmly linked to the curriculum of one subject. All
schools value project work as an essential part of their teaching and
consider it a fixed item in the general school curriculum.But in all
schools the teachers had the freedom to choose in which subjects and in
which periods of time and in which way they wanted to work on the topics
agreed on by all participating schools. This freedom was very important
for the organization of the work in each school because all schools have
internal schedules which all the
teachers had to follow and so were not always free to work on projects at
the same time like their European partners.Having a monthly work plan, in
which the topics for values education were fixed for every months of the
year was very helpful, because it gave a firm basis on which all schools
could work but at the same time left enough flexibility to each school to
plan the project work according to their own needs and school
organization. URL http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/averroes/vertie/
- 2003-2005. Coordinator of the Greek Department of the European Virtual School. Target group was teachers form all Europe. Virtual School was one of European Schoolnet's very first school networking projects. The Virtual School led the way in the development of many other initiatives helping teachers to use ICT in their classrooms. URL http://www.eun.org/portal/vs/vs-closed.html -
Coordinator of a Students (80) exchange project of my school with
Francesco La Cava (Italy). The subject of our project was “Greek
Language and Tradition”. The goal was to promote collaborative learning
and friendship between nations. We
used, Internet, emails, Msword, Powerpoint etc. Our final product was
digital teaching material. -
Coordinator of a students (32) exchange project of my school with Feyziye
Mektelperi Vafki Ozel Isik Mudurlugu from Istanbul. The subject of our
project was “Athens – Istanbul, The History of two cities”. Our goal
was to eliminate fanaticism and make students find that more things unit
us than separate us. We used, Internet, emails, Msword, Powerpoint etc.
Our final product was digital teaching material. -
Coordinator of a students (75) exchange project of my school with Jean
D’ Alesia from Paris. Our subject was “The Greek marbles that are
located in Louvre museum”. The goal was to promote collaborative
learning and friendship between nations. We used, Internet, emails, Msword,
Powerpoint, web editing, etc. Our final product were: a website, a book,
and digital teaching material. URL
http://users.att.sch.gr/ikomninou/LOUVROS.htm -
participation in a Comenius 2.1 project. The subject was: Mensch- Denk –
Mal (MDM). Target group was students between 12-18 years old. My students
were 18. Our goals were: This project is conceived as a contribution to the development of European Citizenship. This is to be achieved through a contribution to the development of a European dimension in the study of history. Common issues can be brought to the fore without leaving out others that are individual to each country. The concrete results of the project work are meant to help widen the educational curriculum. Resources on memorial topography and suggestions/ hand-outs for teachers will be developed and tested for use in school lessons (methods and teaching strategies). These will also be of use for INSET and further education of teachers and other school staff. The project is planned over a period of three years. In the first year an inventory of memorials in the regions of the schools will be compiled. In the second year an extensive analysis of the origins of the memorials and their present meaning and value will follow. In particular the project will evaluate and assess the meaning of the memorials to the community today, and how much that meaning has changed over time. In its final year a common European (war/ peace) memorial will be developed in conjunction with artists, the results of which can be exhibited in museums of all the participant countries.Our final products were : Art memorials, website, Dvd, exhibitions, teaching modules. URL http://www.mdm-project.net/index.html
- Participation in the Coordinator Committee for a Comenius 3 project. This project was organized from the University of Athens and we presented our project plan in Brussels in the 1st European School net Conference. We are working on it in order to submitted to the European Commission for approval. 36 Educational Institutions from 9 countries are involved. The definition of thematic areas of Comenius network should follow the priorities of SOCRATES actions, and are related to the European dimension in school education. Examples of thematic areas are: European citizenship, intercultural heritage, languages, educational implementation of ICT, environmental education, fight against racism (the list is open). The network should work like a platform for the development of knowledge and implementation of didactic innovation in the chosen thematic area. The activity of the network is primarily devoted to Comenius actors. A minimum of six partners is requested. The integration of partners should be planned according to geographical coverage, competences, previous expertise and task distribution. Formal members (additional schools, institutes, city councils, etc.) can join the network by supporting the development, the implementation of the dissemination of the activities' results. Annual conferences have to be organised. The success of Comenius networks is mostly envisaged by an incremental strategy of the networked activities and by consistent dissemination. The
final product would be: Interactive Website, online teaching material,
online seminars, Dvd, etc.
- 2005-2007. Coordinator of an etwinning project. Our subject is “Magna Graecia. A model of European Development”. This project got the national award in school Collaboration. 93 Students between 15-18 years old are involved. etwining promotes the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at schools in Europe. Teachers and students use the Internet to work together across borders. They cooperate, exchange information and share learning materials. eTwinning broadens the scope of the pedagogical opportunities that are offered to teachers and students, motivates to learn and opens the classroom to Europe. The
Ancient Greek Civilization was a multicultural umbrella under which many
nations were united having as a common factor the civilization. This is a
great example of the development of Europe. The European nations can
co-exist in a multicultural and intercultural environment without loosing
their own cultural identity; on the contrary enrich it with the exchange
of ideas. A team of secondary school teachers created this project in
order to be used in classes of secondary Schools, in the frame of
crosscuricular approach in the everyday teaching practice at any subject
(History, Language, Literature, Economics, Social and Political lessons,
Religion...). The
various contributions will be discussed among the partner schools through
e-mails, chat and forums. Suggestions and outcomes will be inserted in a
collaborative web site made by the institutions involved. We are using
eTwinning space as learning and communicating platform. The activities are collaborative and can take the form of texts, pictures, films, art paintings, reflective dialogue, theatre acting, music and dances performance. Exhibitions and displays are organized. Proposals of reflections and actions are to be taken. The project is 100% transferable because we use simple ICT tools and teachers from all specialists are involved. Our eTwinning project final products are: Website, activities, exemplary lessons, teaching material, video, Virtual museum, online audiovisual material. URL http://users.att.sch.gr/ikomninou/etwinning%20FIRST.htm General Outline: http://users.att.sch.gr/ikomninou/general_outline%20en.htm
Service Training Course for school year 2005-2006 É
am promoting New Educational System- New School Books to School Advisors,
Directors, Headmasters, teachers 14/12/05,
training course for School Advisors 5/2/2006,
training course for teachers 28/2/2006,
training course for School Advisors 13/3/2006,
training course for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 28/3/2006,
training course for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 30/3/2006,
training course for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 8/5/2006,
training course for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 16/6/2006,
training course for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 19/6/2006,
training course for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 5/9/2006,
training course for School Advisors, Directors, teachers Promoting
eLearning and New European Projects
training course and workshop for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 30/11/2005,
training course and workshop for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 5/12/2005,
training course and workshop for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 14/12/05,
training course and workshop for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 16/11/2005,
training course and workshop for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 19/12/05,
training course and workshop for School Advisors, Directors, teachers 4/2/06,
Announcement for School Advisors, Teachers 25/2/06,
Announcement for Local Authorities, Teachers, Parents Social
Activities I am assistant President of “European Educational Innovation”, member of “Theology Post Graduate Students Association (in past years I was a member of the board), member of Religion Teachers Association (in past years I was a member of the board), member of Secondary Teachers Association, member of Cultural Association in my Neighborhood .
Jogging, Swimming, Painting, Gardening, Cooking