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  • The January Issue

    The JCM Team is glad to present you the January issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine.

  • Using native lazyloading on your website

    With this article I would like to follow up on that topic with the current status of lazy-loading in the core as well as how to use it in 3.x today already.

  • Joomla 4: Cassiopeia Template

    There's a constellation of improvements in Cassiopeia, the Joomla 4 default front-end template.

  • How to keep the fun in working together

    Working together as a global community can be fun. It can be rewarding. It can make you feel part of something bigger than yourself. And at times it can be frustrating, tiresome and infuriating because in every community there can be disagreement, misunderstanding and lack of comprehension. The question is: how do you deal with that? Or, better, how do you solve it before it turns into conflict, and keep the fun in working together?

  • How I learned Joomla - Eoin Oliver

    Eoin Oliver can’t really remember when he made his first Joomla website, but he does remember that it was a very cool one, and how amazed he was to have professional software to build it with. He played around with several different systems before he decided to go with Joomla.

  • Meet a Joomler: Sandra Decoux

    Everyone in the Joomla community has heard her name, especially if it is related to documentation or translations. We are talking about Sandra Decoux, who has been involved with Joomla since the early days. She has been part of several teams within the organization and is a community pillar. Let's know her a little more!

  • New to Joomla? Great tips for newbies!

    OK, so you’re about to create your first Joomla website. But where do you start, and what do you do after that? Who can help you? Where do you find good resources? Do you need to install a template? Will you need extensions to add functionality? Getting to know Joomla and all its possibilities can be a bit overwhelming. But we’ve all been there, and we got your back! For this article, Joomlers from all over the world share their golden tips with us to get you going. Dive in, explore, be patient and have fun!

  • What is a CDN and how to Implement a CDN in Joomla

    Were you ever curious about why large websites load their pages quicker. Sure, they have high performance dedicated servers, but they also use a globally distributed network called Content Delivery Network (CDN). This article will introduce you to the concept of CDN, how it works and how it can be configured on a Joomla website or in other words how to perform a Joomla CDN integration to help improve website content delivery speeds and reduce latency.

  • What to expect for 2021 in Joomla

    We all know that 2021 will be the year of Joomla 4, that is now approaching the Release Candidate phase and will be released during the year. But while the Production Department and many volunteers are working hard to get the release done, other members and teams of the Community are working towards other goals and achievements. In this article, we had the chance to collect some of the goals defined by teams within the Operations and the Programs Departments.

  • Why I chose Joomla - Case Study

    In this issue, we'll feature a Case Study of a website built with Joomla, coming from Australia.