Five Schools from five countries with different backgrounds are joining forces to look for ways and means to support the mental and social wellbeing of European students in the school environment.
Teachers from participating schools engage in collaborative learning processes to highlight those life skills that are necessary to ensure the well-being of children at school.
Parents and caregivers, as well as other parts of the school community, interact and compose the common value system in which mental and social well-being is developed and achieved.
Το Σχέδιο “Life Skills & Values for the Pupils of the E.U.” υλοπoιήθηκε με την υποστήριξη της Βασικής Δράσης 2 (ΚΑ219) του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος ERASMUS+ την περίοδο 2017 – 2019.
The partnership of the project consists of the following educational institutions:
- 2nd Primary School of Nea Aghialos, Greece, coordinator school
- Szkola Podstawowa nr 172 im. prof. Stefana Banacha, Lodz, Poland
- CEIP ALISIOS, Las Palmas, Spain
- Istituto Comprensivo Camigliano, Capanorri – Lucca, Italy
- Osnovna Sola Orehek, Kranj, Slovenia
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