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Инструкции перевода
попытаться перевести только синие фразы
hot pepper language


The name of the language, written in english e.g. Turkish (no Türkçe)

Открыть тест

Leave untranslated. It is not used

Новый тест

To create a new quiz

В названиях файлов и папок не должно быть кириллицы. Используйте только латиницу.

A message to avoid using local letters in file and folder names
hot pepper removableMedia

Если последний тест вы сохранили на съёмном или сетевом носителе, который сейчас недоступен, то при загрузке возможна некоторая задержка. Проявите терпение.

When opening a quiz, a warning for the teacher to be patient
hot pepper downloadBtn

Загрузить тест (только вопросы)

To download from the internet the file hotpep.xml only

Загрузить тест (вопросы + медиа)

To download from the internet the file hotpep.xml as well as all the media files (images and audio - not video)

Адрес сайта (напр.

The site from where to download. Pay attention not to close parenthesis

Адрес сайта (напр.

Exactly the same as previous
hot pepper downloadDir

Загрузить из папки (на указанном сайте) (напр. geometry)

The folder inside the site, from where to download. Keep the word geometry untranslated


Download password does not exist. Upload password is used both for upload and download

Некоторые серверы несовместимы с программой.

A warning for the teacher

Загрузка предполагает наличие файла hotpepup.php на сайте (устанавливается администратором).

An explanatory message for the teacher
hot pepper quiz


A word to describe that here you can adjust various parameters


A word to describe groups of questions
hot pepper item


Here you can adjust the questions of the selected group


To check for possible errors


To undo last (major) change

Закрыть (без сохранения)

To close program without saving last changes
hot pepper close


To close program saving all possible changes


Just save

Альтернативные режимы проверки (правая кнопка мыши)

When the teacher moves the mouse over the «Save + Check 1 group» text area, a popup prompt is displayed to inform him for the various ways of testing the quiz
hot pepper saveAndCheckGroup

Сохранить и Проверить группу

Save any changes, then test the current group with Quiz Player in your prefered browser
hot pepper saveAndCheckItem

Сохранить и Проверить вопрос

Save any changes, then test only the current question with Quiz Player
hot pepper saveAndCheck

Сохранить и Проверить всё

Save any changes, then test all questions of all groups with Quiz Player
hot pepper title


The title of the quiz e.g. Geography

Введите ваш заголовок

A message that prompts the teacher to write a title


The person who arranged the questions (the author)


The person who selected or created the multimedia (fotos, sounds etc)
hot pepper newAuthor

Новый Автор

Default name of the author. The teacher can change it with his/her name
hot pepper dataEntry

Ввод данных

The person who made the data entry

Время проверки вопроса (в секундах) (умножается на количество вопросов для подсчёта общего времени проверки)

В произвольном порядке

When in test (no practice), questions will be projected in random order


If checked, the whole quiz is available to the pupils. Otherwise they see the folowing message «Тест в процессе подготовки»
hot pepper testOnly

Только проверка

The quiz is available only for test (not for practice)

Сохранять статистику

To count which question is difficult

Сохранить и Выгрузить Вопросы Только

Upload only questions file (hotpep.xml)

Сохранить и Выгрузить Всё

Upload all related files unconditionally (questions + media)

Сохранить и Выгрузить Изменения

Upload only the files that are different from those in site
hot pepper anartisiSistimatos

Выгрузить СИСТЕМНЫЕ файлы

Upload system files to the teachers site. It is needed when new version of hot pepper quiz player exists

Выгрузить папку (на сайт) (напр. geometry)

The folder where you upload your quiz. Keep the word geometry untranslated

Выгрузка предполагает наличие файла hotpepup.php на сайте (устанавливается администратором).

Есть новая версия 'hot pepper quiz player'. Выгрузить системные файлы снова.

A warning for the teacher to update his site
hot pepper uploadNames

Meaningful subfolder names

Reasonable folder names, instead of nonsense acronyms

No slash at the end. No 'depo' folder in the path. Only english.

Pop up balloon, which is shown when the mouse is over the Site location text input component

No slash at the beginning and at the end. No double slashes. No 'depo' folder in the path. Only english.

Pop up balloon, which is shown when the mouse is over the Upload folder text input component

No slash at the end. Fewer slashes than those in the upload folder.

Pop up balloon, which is shown when the mouse is over the Meaningful subfolder names text input component
hot pepper groupPaneTitle

Группы вопросов

The title of the Groups list


The word «Group» in the singular (one group). G1 is the id of the selected group

Картинки группы

The title of the Group icons list. The list of images for the selected group of questions

Готовая группа

If checked, the selected group of questions is available to the pupils
hot pepper pictureRandomShowGroup

Картинки группы в произвольном порядке

If checked, the images of the group are displayed in random order
hot pepper paramVal

Параметры группы

A set of parameters controling the selected group


Indicates that the type of the selected group is normal. A «Normal» group contains questions that are projected individually. All other group types, project their questions simultaneously

Заполнение пропусков

Indicates that the type of the selected group is Gap filling. A «Gap filling» group is, a set of gap filling questions. Usually is a storytelling with gaps between the text


Indicates that the type of the selected group is Match. A «Match» group is, in fact, a set of matching questions. Two sets of objects (text, images, sounds etc) that must be matched
hot pepper grupTypeCross


Indicates that the type of the selected group is Crossword. A «Crossword» group is, in fact, a set of gap filling questions but the «gaps» are arranged in a vertical and horizontal structured way


Exactly the same as the previous tag


Text displayed when the pupil gives wrong answer in a question of this group, during practice

Подзаголовок группы

Text, common for every question of the group, being displayed at the top, before the individual text of the current question
hot pepper lezada


Text accompanying the image that appears in the upper left corner of the image

Скрыть картинку

If selected, the image does not appear in the test


Standalone audio file or accompanying a picture
hot pepper question


The word «Question» in the singular (one question). Q1 is the id of the selected question

Готовый вопрос

If checked, the selected question is available to the pupils

Картинки вопросов в произвольном порядке

If checked, the images of the question are displayed in random order

Баллы за вопрос

The value of the selected question
hot pepper klikOnText

Щёлкнуть на тексте

The meaning is that on multiple choice questions, the choices are text

Щёлкнуть на картинках

The meaning is that on multiple choice questions, the choices are multimedia


Text displayed when the pupil gives wrong answer in this specific question, during practice

Напишите вопрос

A prompt for the teacher to write the text of the question (if any)
hot pepper questionKind

Действия учащегося

The way in which the student will respond to the selected question

Выбор правильного ответа

The selected question is multiple choice. The pupil will respond selecting a choice among many others

С ошибками в орфографии

In this kind of questions, the pupil will respond typing the answer. Some spelling mistakes are forgiven. The correct answer is one word or phrase with possible alternatives. The answer of the pupil will be evaluated as absolutely correct if he will type the correct word or some of the alternatives. Otherwise he gets 0. There is nothing between 0 and 100%

Без ошибок в орфографии

The same as previous tag, except that spelling mistakes are not allowed
hot pepper knd_and

С ошибками в орфографии - много ответов

In this kind of questions, the pupil will respond typing the answer. Some spelling mistakes are forgiven. The correct answers could be one or more words or phrases (usually more than one word or phrases e.g. 7). The pupil is informed to type a specific number of the correct answers (e.g. 3 answers). If the pupil write three of the correct answers, he gets 100%. If he write less than three correct answers (e.g. two or one), he gets a percentage (67% or 33%). There are, also, taboo words that if used as answers, they will decrease the pupil's percentage in this specific question

Без ошибок в орфографии - много ответов

The same as previous tag, except that spelling mistakes are not allowed

Расположить в правильном порядке

In this kind of questions the pupil will respond by placing text or (and) multimedia in the right order

Задача из слов

In this kind of questions the pupil will respond by placing, mixed up words (or letters), in an appropriate order, to compose a phrase (or word).
It is likely to arise in many sentences (or words). All are acceptable if they are foreseen by the teacher
hot pepper groupArrange


The way in which text and images will be arranged on the stage
hot pepper arng1

Текст снизу, картинки сверху

In this arrangement, the text of question will be placed at the bottom of the stage while the images at the top

50% текста слева, картинки справа

In this arrangement, the text of question will be placed at the left, occupying half of the stage, while the images at the right, occupying the rest half of the stage

33% текста слева, картинки справа

In this arrangement, the text of question will be placed at the left, occupying 1/3 of the stage, while the images at the right, occupying the rest area

67% текста слева, картинки справа

In this arrangement, the text of question will be placed at the left, occupying 2/3 of the stage, while the images at the right, occupying the rest area
hot pepper answerPaneTitle


The title of the «Answers» list

Напишите ответ

A prompt for the teacher to write the text of the answer

Напишите другой ответ

A prompt for the teacher to write text for another answer


The selected answer must be thought as completely correct


The selected answer must be thought as completely wrong
hot pepper uteSostoUteLatos

Частично верно

The selected answer must be thought as partially correct

Верно (%)

If the selected answer is partially correct, this number is the percentage of correctness (e.g. 60%). This means that if the pupil choose this answer, he will be rewarded with (50 x 60% = 30) thirty points


Text displayed when the pupil chooses this particular wrong or partially wrong answer, during practice


The word «Answer» in singular

Картинки к вопросу

The title of the image list for the selected question
hot pepper numericAnswer


If checked, the pupil will informed that his answer must be a number

С учётом регистра

If checked, the pupil will informed that he must be careful with the case of the letters, he uses

Правильные ответы

The title of the answers list. All these answers are thought to be equally correct
hot pepper dummyCorrectAnswer

Напишите правильный ответ

Prompt for the teacher to write a correct answer

Напишите другой правильный ответ (альтернативный)

Prompt for the teacher, to write an other correct answer, equally valued as the previous

Правильный ответ

The label of the text area where the teacher writes the correct answer
hot pepper multiAnswers

Максимальное количество ответов, ожидаемых от учащегося

A number (e.g. 2). In questions that have many mandatory-answers (e.g. 7), the pupil is informed that he must write, at most, two answers. If these answers are among the correct ones, he gets 100%

Напишите ответ (обязательно)

A prompt for the teacher to write an answer that is mandatory. The answer can be correct or wrong. If wrong, then this answer must never be used by the pupil. It is a «taboo» answer. If used, his grade will be decreased

Напишите другой ответ (обязательно)

A prompt for the teacher to write an other answer that is mandatory. The previous comments are apply too

Ответ (обязательно)

The label of the text area where the teacher writes the mandatory (correct or wrong) answer
hot pepper phrasesToOrder

Фразы для расстановки

The title of the list, of the phrases, which must be put in order

Напишите фразу

Prompt for the teacher to write a phrase

Напишите другую фразу

Prompt for the teacher to write an other phrase


This number dictates the priority of the objects, which must be put in order


If checked, the corresponding phrase (or multimedia) is taking its correct place automatically. The pupil does not have to worry about this object


This tag has been commented previously. The meaning here is the same. If checked, the phrase is irrelative and must not be touched by the pupil
hot pepper seraKolaP

К предыдущему

If checked, the corresponding phrase (or multimedia) is placed exactly next to the previous object. No gap will be inserted because of this phrase

К следующему

If checked, the corresponding phrase (or multimedia) is placed exactly before the next object. No gap will be inserted because of this phrase


The word «Phrase» in singular

Картинки для расстановки

The title of the list of images that the teacher probably wants to put in order
hot pepper storyDesign

Дизайн с пропускаим

Pressing this button the teacher goes to a form where he can design and place the gaps
hot pepper storyWriteWholeStory

Введите весь текст с пропусками

The label of the text area, where the teacher designs and places the gaps. Also, clicking on this label, he can format the text

Введите Ваш вопрос или часть текста с обоих сторон пропуска

A prompt for the teacher to enter text and design the gaps

ВНИМАНИЕ! Область, выделенная для форматирования, должна содержать только полные пропуски (или не содержать их вообще). Разрыв пропусков НЕДОПУСТИМ.

A warning for the teacher to be careful when he is trying to select text in order to format it. The problem is focused on selection
hot pepper
The main difference between «plain» and «special» gaps is the following.

When the pupil's correct answer is going to fill the gap ...

... if the gap is a «plain» gap, then the correct answer just replaces the gap.

... if the gap is a «special» gap, then ...

    ... if the length of the correct answer is equal or longer than the length of
        the special gap, then the correct answer replaces again the (special) gap.
    ... but if the length of the correct answer is smaller than the length of the
        special gap, then extra spaces are added to the correct answer until the
        length of the correct answer becomes equal to the length of the special gap.
        After that, the correct answer (with the extra blanks) replaces EXACTLY the
        special gap

Вставить специальный пропуск

A special gap (the second gap in the image - 3 distinct bars) consists of one letter tiny gaps, arranged one after the other. The total length depends on the teacher. Its appearance (tiny distinct bars arranged one after the other) may assist the pupil to presume the length of the answer (if it is desirable). In general, no direct connection exists between the length of the gap and the length of the missing word or phrase

Вставить простой пропуск

A plain gap (the first gap in the image) is about five letters in length and appears as a compact block. There is no any relation between the length of the gap and the length of the answer
hot pepper cancel


The classic word for 'I changed my mind'


The classic american word for 'I agree'
hot pepper enabledItem


If checked, the pupil must find the correct answer to fill the gap. If not checked, the gap is filled with the correct answer automatically and the pupil has nothing to do with this gap

Весь текст

The label of the area where the whole text of all the questions, in this gap-filling group, is displayed
hot pepper zevgaromata


The title of the list of the matches, in plural. A match is the process of mating two entities. One entity from the Right side with an entity from the Left side. It is worthy to say that, in matches, the Left member may correspond to one or more members at the Right. The members at the Rigth, can be text, or multimedia


The word «Match» in singular


If checked, then the left entity is not going to match with anything. This makes the process of mating more difficult for the pupil

Совпадение слева

The label of the text area, where the teacher writes the Left entity of the match
hot pepper dummyMatchQuestion

Введите совпадение СЛЕВА

A prompt for the teacher to write the Left member of the match

Справа - текст - совпадения

The title of the list of the Right text members of the match. All these members correspond to the same (selected) Left member

Введите совпадение СПРАВА

A prompt for the teacher to write the Right (text) member of the match

Введите другое совпадение справа

A prompt for the teacher to write another Right (text) member of the match
hot pepper matchPoints

Баллы для совпадений

The value of this particular match

Совпадение справа

The label of the text area, where the teacher will write the text for the Right member of a match

Справа - мультмедиа - совпадения

The title of the list of the Right multimedia members of the match. All these members correspond to the same (selected) Left member


A prompt for the teacher to write a label for this particular multimedia

Размер картинки

A number for the preferred height of this particular image. Extremely large heights for an image, may force this image to be invisible
hot pepper crossDesign

Дизайн кроссворда

The label of the button. If pressed, the teacher can design the crossword in a special form
hot pepper crossDummyWord


A dummy word, inserted in a new crossword automatically. Usually, it has to be removed
hot pepper crossColNum


The vertical elements of the crossword


The horizontal elements of the crossword

Удалить слово

In order to delete a word, the teacher must first press this button and then click on the word
hot pepper moveWord

Переместить слово

In order to move a word to another place, the teacher must first press this button, then click on the word and, at last, click on the new position of the first letter


If pressed, the columns of the crossword become rows and the rows, columns

ЩЕЛКНУТЬ на ячейке для ввода слова

An informative message for the teacher
hot pepper crossOrizodios

По горизонтали

The meaning is that the word will lie in the horizontal direction

По вертикали

The meaning is that the word will lie in the vertical direction

В обратном порядке

The meaning is that the word will lie in the opposite direction
hot pepper crossAddWord

Добавить это слово

If pressed, the word is pinned on the crossword

Я передумал

Has the meaning of «Cancel» in the word level, but because there is another «Cancel» (in the form level), we preferred to word it in a different way

Напишите слово

An informative message for the teacher
hot pepper crossDesignDelete

ЩЕЛКНУТЬ на слове для удаления

The teacher has already pressed the «Delete word» button, and this message, encourages him to select the word to be deleted
hot pepper crossDesignMove

ЩЕЛКНУТЬ на слове для перемещения

The teacher has already pressed the «Move word» button, and this message, encourages him to select the word to be moved
hot pepper crossDesignLimaSelect

ЩЕЛКНУТЬ на ячейке для вставки слова

The teacher has already selected the word to be moved, and this message encourages him to define the first cell of the new position
hot pepper crossMoveAborted

Перемещение отменено

An informative message that the attempted movement was invalid
hot pepper crossLexi


No explanation is needed

Описание слова

The label of the text area where the teacher will write the description of the word

Введите описание

Dummy text to be replaced by the teacher with the description of the word
hot pepper noErrors

Ошибок нет

A message confirming that no major errors exist in the questions

Предупреждений нет

A message confirming that no minor errors exist in the questions
hot pepper errors


Some questions have so serious problems hence is impossible for them to be included in the quiz

После исправления ошибок, подтвердите соответствующий вопрос.

A red message for the teacher, which explains him what to do with the problematic questions


Some questions have less serious problems hence we simply recommend to be checked


Some pictures used in the quiz have no declare their dimensions and the program cannot find them, in order to compute these dimensions
hot pepper error3

Ответ на вопрос является выбором из нескольких вариантов. По крайней мере один выбор должен быть верен.

An obvious situation regarding a multiple choice question

Ответ на вопрос является выбором из нескольких вариантов и учащийся отвечает, выбирая картинки. По крайней мере один выбор (картинка) должен быть верен даже на "экзамене".

An obvious situation regarding a «multimedia multiple choice» question

Ответ учащегося на этот вопрос сопоставляется со списком правильных ответов. Введите хотя бы один правильный ответ.

An obvious situation, regarding a question where the pupil must type the answer
hot pepper error20

Этот вопрос требует от учащегося расстановки фраз или картинок в определенном порядке. Введите хотя бы 2 такие фразы или картинки.

An obvious situation regarding a «put in an order» question

Этот вопрос требует от учащегося выбрать фразу или картинки в соответствии с вопросом. Вставьте хотя бы 1 такую фразу или картинку.

An obvious situation regarding a «matching» question

полных соответствий. Правильно?

An obvious situation regarding a «multiple choice» question, where more than one choices are completely correct
hot pepper nonNumericAnswer

Ответом должна быть цифра, но введён другой символ!

A message informing the teacher that in a question expecting a number as answer, the answer is not a number (in this case the letter c)
hot pepper mmSelect

Добавить мультимедиа

A prompt for the teacher, to select a multimedia file. This file can be local (inside the folder of the quiz) or somewhere in the web (URL needed)

Выбрать на диске

The label of the button. The teacher presses this button in order to select a multimedia file from the local folder of the quiz. Only from this folder it is legal to select local multimedia files

Видео YouTube

A message confirming that the remote address, that has been written in the text area, formally corresponds to a YouTube video
hot pepper mmSelectSound

Добавить аудио

A prompt for the teacher, to select a sound file (only «mp3» and «midi» files are allowed)
hot pepper mmSelectUpdate

Заменить мультимедиа

A prompt for the teacher, to select a multimedia file, that will replace the one that already exists
hot pepper artiMidi


A check box that signals the intention of the teacher to embed musical notes in the question

Категория музыкальных инструментов

A combo box from which the teacher selects the category of the musical organ eg guitar, piano etc


A combo box from which the teacher selects a particular instrument related to the category of the musical organs
hot pepper notes

Ноты MML

A prompt for the teacher, to compose a musical theme writing some notes, using the MML protocol
hot pepper iconPaneHotSpotTitle

Картинка для выбора точки

The picture that is the heart of the «Hot Spots» group of questions

выбор Точки

Hot points (small h, capital P - plural) are special small colored cycles on the icon, that can be clicked by the pupil

выбор Области

Hot areas (small h, capital A - plural) are special areas on the icon, that can be clicked by the pupil

Картинка сверху

Special arrange where the icon is placed at the top of the stage

Значок слева

Special arrange where the icon is placed at the left of the stage
hot pepper hotSpotPointLektiko

Выбор точки

Capital H, small p - singular

Удалить правой кнопкой мыши

A message for the teacher explaining how to delete a Hot Point

Назначить выбор точки левой кнопкой мыши

A message for the teacher explaining how to insert a Hot Point
hot pepper hotSpotAnswer

Выбор точек (текст)

Title of the list with all the phrases that correspond to the selected hotspot

Выбор точек (мультимедиа)

Title of the list with all the multimedia that correspond to the selected hotspot

Назначить выбор точки

When pressed, the teacher has the ability to insert the hot point(s) on the icon

Введите фразу, соответствующую Выбору Точки

A dummy phrase, that must be replaced with something related with the hot point, eg Madrid
hot pepper hotSpotAreaLektiko

Область выбора

Capital H, small a - singular

Выберите форму

There are three modes to define a hot area


The hot area will be a rectangle


The hot area will be an ellipse
hot pepper hotSelectFree


The hot area will be a polygon

Удалить все области выбора

Deletes all hot areas. Useful when the teacher can not recognise the hot areas, because of the underlying colors

Выделить последовательно левой кнопкой мыши. Завершить выделение щелчком правой кнопкой мыши (последняя точка автоматически связывается с первой)

A message for the teacher, explaining how to define a hot area using the polygon tool
hot pepper hotHintRect

Выбрать щелчком левой кнопкой и сдвинуть

A message for the teacher, explaining how to define a hot area using the rectangle or ellipse tool
hot pepper hotAreaDesign

Назначить обасть выбора

When pressed, the teacher has the ability to define the hot area(s) on the icon

Введите фразу, соответствующую обасти выбора

A dummy phrase, that must be replaced with something related with the hot area, eg Italy


The label of the text input area, where the teacher will write something related with the hot area
hot pepper start


The pupil presses this button to start the quiz


The first mode to practice quiz. Anonymous, immediately confirming every answer, with advice after wrong answer, indicating the correct one. The pupil can give new answer to already answered question, but his rating is not changing. The rating is visible but can not be registered

Экзамен (тренировка)

The second mode to practice quiz. A name is needed. Immediate confirmation after every answer. No advices. No suggestion for the correct answer. The pupil can not give new answer to already answered question. The rating is visible and can be registered. There is time limit
hot pepper openTest

Экзамен (с возможностью просмотра)

The third mode to practice quiz. A name is needed. No confirmation after the answer. No advices. No suggestion for the correct answer. The pupil can give new answer to already answered question. The rating is not visible and can be registered. There is time limit

Ограничение во времени

The workout mode, has normally no time limit. If the pupil prefers time limit, he has to check this check box

Вопросы в произвольном порядке

In workout mode, the questions are, normally, presented in order (as inserted by the teacher). If the pupil prefers the presentation to be in random order, he has to check this check box
hot pepper parseError

Ошибка обработки XML файла.

A message informing that the questions file is not syntactically correct, according to xml protocol
hot pepper stop


Pressing this button, the quiz is terminated


The pupil's rating based on a scale from 0 to 100

Всего вопр.

The meaning is «Total questions», but keep this phrase relatively small. The number in parentheses indicates the value of these questions


The meaning is «Left questions», but keep this phrase as small as you can
hot pepper sostes


The meaning is «Correctly answered questions», but keep this phrase as small as you can


The meaning is «Wrong answered questions», but keep this phrase as small as you can


The meaning is «Questions are presented in order», but keep this phrase as small as you can


Pressing this button, the pupil submits whatever he did with the currently displayed questions
hot pepper skor1Hint

Идентификатор Группы и Вопроса

An informative popup balloon. In the example, G2 is the group ID and Q1 is the question ID (inside group G2)


The meaning is «Question Points», but keep this phrase as small as you can eg. 2 letters


The meaning is «Questions are presented in random order», but keep this phrase as small as you can
hot pepper skor2Hint

Цифры в скобках являются баллами

An informative popup balloon. Points is another word for the value of a question (eg. 50 points)

Осталось времени

Time left (minutes : seconds) before the quiz will be terminated automatically

Осталось времени

Same as previous tag
hot pepper hintNext

Следующий вопрос

An informative popup balloon. Pressing this button, the pupil goes to another unanswered question

Предыдущий вопрос (с ответом)

An informative popup balloon. Pressing this button, the pupil goes to the previous, answered, question
hot pepper matchArrow

Щёлкнуть сначала на ПРАВУЮ колонку, затем на ЛЕВУЮ. Необходимо выбрать соответствие слева для ВСЕХ объектов справа

An informative popup balloon. Informs the pupil what to do with this kind of questions
hot pepper ssWait

Ожидание ответа центральной базы данных ...

A message confirming that the program tries to connect with the central data base in order to register the pupil's ratings
hot pepper ssInternetProblem

Результат НЕ был зарегистрирован в центральной базе из-за сбоя в работе Интернета.

A message reporting that the program was unable to contact with the central data base, because Internet connection was lost

Результат НЕ был зарегистрирован из-за сбоя в работе центральной базы данных.

A message reporting that the pupil's ratings were not registered, because of internal data base problems
hot pepper ssSuccess

Результат был успешно зарегистрирован в центральной базе данных

A message confirming the pupil, that his ratings are registered successfully in the central data base

Ваше имя

A prompt for the pupil to write his name

Отчёт на бумаге

In case the pupil wants a printed report of his ratings


The label of the column containing the title of the quiz. This grid contains locally saved ratings (in case the PC looses the connection with the central data base)
hot pepper gdgName


The label of the column containing the name of the pupil


The label of the column containing the pupil's score (0 - 100)


The label of the column containing the time when the pupil started the quiz


The label of the column containing the duration of the quiz
hot pepper gdgActiveQuest


The label of the column containing the total questions of the quiz


The label of the column containing the total points of the quiz


The label of the column containing the total questions of the quiz, that were answered correctly


The label of the column containing the total points of the correctly answered questions
hot pepper gdgAnsweredQuest


The label of the column containing the total questions, that were answered


The label of the column containing the total points of the answered questions
hot pepper seraHelp

Щёлкнуть на пустую рамку, затем на изображение или на предложение (и наоборот)

An informative popup balloon. Informs the pupil what to do with this kind of question
hot pepper correct


A message informing the pupil that his answer was completely correct
hot pepper semi

Частично верно

A message informing the pupil that his answer was partially correct. He gained only 8 out of 50 points because, at least, Hopper was really born after Picasso
hot pepper wrong


A message informing the pupil that his answer was completely wrong
hot pepper xmlFileNotValid

Тест в процессе подготовки

A message informing the pupil, that the quiz is still not available. It is teacher's responsibility to make the quiz again available
hot pepper promptForStrictOr

Введите ваш ответ без орфографических ошибок

A prompt for the pupil to write his answer in the text input area, avoiding spelling errors

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to Без ошибок в орфографии
hot pepper promptForStrictOrCS

Орфографические ошибки недопустимы.

The same meaning as the previous tag, phrased in other words. Do not forget the dot at the end

Внимание! В ответе учитывается Регистр

A warning for the student to be carefull about the CaSe of the letters

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to Без ошибок в орфографии
and checked С учётом регистра
hot pepper promptForOr

Ваш ответ

A prompt for the pupil to write his answer in the text input area. As you see, some spelling errors are forgiven (eg. double consonants)

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to С ошибками в орфографии
There is only one correct answer

Правильный ответ

A message informing the pupil for what is believed to be the correct answer from the teacher's side (in case there is only one correct answer)
hot pepper promptForPolaOr

Правильный ответ - один вариант из следующих

A message informing the pupil for what is believed to be the correct answer from the teacher's side (in case there are more than one correct answers)

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to С ошибками в орфографии
There are more than one correct answers (2 in this case)
hot pepper promptForPolaAnd

Правильный ответ - следующее полностью

A message informing the pupil for what is believed to be the correct answer from the teacher's side

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to
С ошибками в орфографии - много ответов
and the
Максимальное количество ответов, ожидаемых от учащегося to 2
There are exactly 2 possible answers


See next tag

ответ(а/ов), отделяя их

The syntax used in the program is
promptForAnd1 2 promptForAnd2 &
hot pepper promptForPolaAnd1

из следующих является правильным ответом

A message informing the pupil for what is believed to be the correct answer from the teacher's side

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to
С ошибками в орфографии - много ответов

and the
Максимальное количество ответов, ожидаемых от учащегося to 2.
There are more than 2 possible answers (3 in this case)
hot pepper promptForAnd3


The word answer in the singular

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to
С ошибками в орфографии - много ответов

and left the
Максимальное количество ответов, ожидаемых от учащегося to 1.
There are more than 1 possible answers (3 in this case)
hot pepper promptForAnd5

ответов без орфографических ошибок, разделяя их

The syntax used in the program is
promptForAnd1 2 promptForAnd5 & promptCS

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to
Без ошибок в орфографии - много ответов

Максимальное количество ответов, ожидаемых от учащегося to 2
and checked the С учётом регистра
There are more than 2 possible answers (3 in this case)
hot pepper promptForAnd4

ответ без орфографических ошибок

The syntax used in the program is
promptForAnd1 1 promptForAnd4. promptCS

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to
Без ошибок в орфографии - много ответов

Максимальное количество ответов, ожидаемых от учащегося to 1
and checked the С учётом регистра
There are more than 1 possible answers (3 in this case)
hot pepper promptForFatalAndErrors

<![CDATA[and <font color = '#FF0000'><b>STRICTLY WRONG</b></font>]]>

Be carefull! You must change only the word and and STRICTLY WRONG. All other text must remain unchanged
hot pepper promptForNumOr

Введите число

A message for the pupil that the required answer is a number

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to Без ошибок в орфографии
and checked the Цифры
hot pepper promptForNumAnd2

числа, отделяя их

A message informing the pupil for what is believed to be the correct answer from the teacher's side

In this question the teacher set the
Действия учащегося to
Без ошибок в орфографии - много ответов
Максимальное количество ответов, ожидаемых от учащегося to 2
and checked the Цифры
There are 3 possible answers
hot pepper matchArrowHotSpotWhenShow1

Click on the BOTTOM stuff and then on the TOP. &lt;BR&gt; ALL objects at the bottom must mate with all or with some of the hot spots on the top picture

An informative popup balloon. Informs the pupil what to do with this kind of question.
Be carefull! Do not touch the &lt;BR&gt;
hot pepper matchArrowHotSpotWhenShow2

Click on the RIGHT column and then on the LEFT. &lt;BR&gt; ALL objects at the right must mate with all or with some of the hot spots on the left picture

An informative popup balloon. Informs the pupil what to do with this kind of question.
Be carefull! Do not touch the &lt;BR&gt;
hot pepper testReport

Отчёт по тесту

A report that can be printed after a named exam

Имя учащегося

The name of the pupil

из возможных

The meaning is 52%

(результат складывается из баллов)

The score is resulted from the points (not the questions). We think this is more fair. Do not forget the parentheses
hot pepper startTime

Время начала

When the test started (server's time not pupil's local time)

Затрачено времени

in minutes and seconds

Вопросы появляются последовательно

The way of appearance of the questions (Random or Sequential)
hot pepper randomQuestShow

Вопросы в произвольном порядке

The way of appearance of the questions (Random or Sequential)

Всего вопросов (баллов)

The numbers in parentheses are the values of the corresponding questions

Отвеченных вопросов (баллов)

Correctly and wrongly, answered

Правильно отвеченных вопросов (баллов)

Only correctly answered
hot pepper selectFolder

Выберите Папку для Сохранения Теста

The title of the dialog box when the teacher saves a quiz. The program is Folder Oriented. This means that each folder can contain only one quiz
hot pepper pleaseWait

Подождите ...

This message encourages the teacher, when downloads a quiz. This process may take some time depending on the speed of the web server
hot pepper occupied

В этой папке уже есть тест!

A message informing the teacher that the folder, which chose to save his quiz, contains another quiz


Do not forget the question mark


The word for affirmation


The word for the denial
hot pepper wordBank

Словарный банк

A special kind of gap filling questions, that has this strange name. All the gaps are multiple choice questions, where the wrong alternate choices for one gap are the correct answers of the rest gaps.
Here, the word "Bank" has the meaning of repository, where the teacher saves some words. These words are going to fulfil all the gaps, one by one
hot pepper leftIconsRatio

Процент сжатия картинок слева

In "Match" questions there are two columns containing text and (or) pictures. One at left the other at right. If there are pictures, either at left or at right, you can adjust their heights simultaneously, in order to fit within the space provided.
This numeric stepper adjusts the pictures of the left column (64%)

Процент сжатия картинок справа

This numeric stepper adjusts the pictures of the right column (21%)
hot pepper mainFrasi

Основная фраза

In Word puzzle questions the Main phrase plays a crucial role. From the segments of this phrase, the pupil, will compose sentences

Напишите основную фразу, которую вы хотите смешать. Расположите каждый фрагмент на отдельной строке.

An informative message for the teacher
hot pepper dummyMainFrasi

Напишите основную фразу

In word puzzle questions. A prompt for the teacher, to write the phrase, which will be mixed up
hot pepper dummyAltFrasi

Напишите альтернативную фразу

In word puzzle questions. A prompt for the teacher, to write another phrase, composed from the same pieces (words) of the main phrase.
hot pepper altFrasi

Альтернативная фраза

In Word puzzle questions, the alternative phrases, are phrases that differ from the main phrase but they are composed from the same segments (not all, necessarily) and you would also like to be accepted as correct

Напишите альтернативные правильные фразы, которые вы также считали бы правильными ответами. Используйте слова только из основной фразы.

An informative message for the teacher
hot pepper wordPuzzlePrompt

Составьте фразу, используя эти слова

A prompt for the pupil, in Word puzzle questions, when the teacher forgets to provide one

Выберите слова щелчком мыши

An informative message for the pupil
hot pepper wordPuzzleLetterPrompt

Compose a word, using these letters

A prompt for the pupil, in Word puzzle questions, when the teacher forgets to provide one.
In this specific question, the pupil, must compose a word from the letters of the word GARDEN. As you can see, the teacher, must also accept the word DANGER
hot pepper promptForOles

Ответы, которые я считаю правильными, это

A message informing the pupil for what is believed to be the correct answers in this question
hot pepper error22

You may forgot to write the sentence that should be synthesized by the pupil.

A message informing the teacher to provide the Main phrase for a Word puzzle question
hot pepper sosto


In True/False questions, the teacher declares that the statement (Question) is True


In True/False questions, the teacher declares that the statement (Question) is False


A classic Multiple choice question with any choices, the teacher wants
hot pepper simfono

I agree

In True/False questions, the phrase which means that the statement is True

I disagree

In True/False questions, the phrase which means that the statement is False