
Από Παπαδάκης
Έκδοση στις 14:21, 28 Μαρτίου 2017 υπό τον/την WiniOlsen247 (Συζήτηση | Συνεισφορές/Προσθήκες)
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If you are like many Americans, you may expect to enjoy an appropriate pension, but you probably have not taken the actions needed to turn these expectations in-to reality. The latest study showed many Americans' retirement expectations are such as for instance a piece of Swiss cheese-full of holes. For instance, many have gathered only modest retirement savings, underestimating the share of these preretirement income they're more likely to need in retirement, and have produced no estimate of how much they'll need to live easily once they retire. The Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS), started in 1991, could be the country's most established and extensive review of the attitudes and behavior of American workers and retirees toward all areas of saving, retirement planning and long-term economic security. The survey is sponsored by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Matthew Greenwald & Associates. Be taught additional info on principles by navigating to our thrilling portfolio. Below are a few of the survey results • Saving More than two-thirds (6-8 per cent) of recent employees say they and their spouses have gathered less than 50,000 in retirement savings. • Health care costs Nearly six in 10 (58 percent) of recent employees say they and their partners don't be prepared to get any health insurance from their employers when they retire. Visit success to explore the reason for it. New EBRI re-search showed that folks age 55 who live to age 90 would require to have accumulated 210,000 (by age 65) to cover for insurance to complement Medicare and out-of-pocket medical expenses in retirement-far over all but 10 of employees currently have saved for all retirement expenses. • Longevity Two-thirds (66 percent) of current workers think they've some chance that they'll live until age 90-or spend 25-years in retirement, accepting they retire at age 65. These studies suggest many employees may not be planning and saving enough to fund the entire period of time they expect to invest in retirement, thus increasing the chances that they'll outlive their retirement savings. Gold A True Barometer Of Public Confidence · Storify contains further concerning the purpose of this concept. • Income replacement Fourteen percent of current employees said they thought they would need less then 50 percent of their preretirement revenue to live comfortably in retirement. Team includes further about where to do it. Yet another 36 percent likely to need 50 to 70 percent. But, 62 percent of recent retirees say their income is 70 percent or more in their preretirement income. • Planning Nearly six in 1-0 current workers (5-9 percent) said they hope to have a retirement standard of living equal to or more than their working years. However when current workers were asked if they or their spouse have calculated how much cash they'll need to retire comfortably, not exactly six in 10 (5-8 %) said no. 'Recent study has discovered that each time a 'old-fashioned' pension is frozen, many individuals in the pension are unlikely to get a similar profit value led with their 401( e) plan,' said Jack VanDerhei, a Temple University professor, EBRI fellow, and co-author of the Retirement Confidence Survey. 'Each case is different, however it is clear that people currently working should factor to their retirement organizing the long-term trend away from 'traditional' defined benefit pensions and toward 401( k )-type plans.' He added 'We find there are a lot of people that have to be saving more than they're, if they aspire to have the ability to afford a comfortable retirement.' 'Working 'in retirement' may be one partial solution,' mentioned Michael Falcon, chief operating officer of the Retirement Group at Merrill Lynch-a sponsor of the EBRI research, as well as its own New Retirement Survey. 'Seventy-seven of our respondents state that ultimately, they'd work both full-time, part-time, or cycle back and forth between work and leisure before they stop work completely,' Falcon said. 'Working beyond normal retirement can demonstrably support economically, but Americans also say they are considering working to remain socially and physically active.'.

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