
Από Παπαδάκης
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In this article we're likely to cover IP-ADDRESSES. You'll learn precisely what they're and how they affect search engine marketing (SEO). Internet Protocol Address Address represents Internet Protocol Address and is made up of four 'octets' or numbers separated with a time. Each octet can be a number from 0 to 255 Some e... Often-times things may seem quite over-whelming, If you are a new comer to the net. People throw around terms like IP-ADDRESSES, Nameservers, hosting, ftp, and so forth. To get different interpretations, please take a peep at] To read additional info, please consider glancing at] In this article we're going to protect IP-ADDRESSES. You'll learn exactly what they are and how they connect with search engine optimization (SEO). Internet Protocol Address Address stands for Internet Protocol Address and is currently composed of four 'octets' or numbers separated by a period. Each octet could be a number from 0 to 255 Some examples of valid IP addresses are -,, There's also a brand new standard for IP addresses that is gradually being introduced named IPV6 (IP version 6). IPV6 figures seem quite different from our current IP-ADDRESSES. An example of an IPv6 IP is - 2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7334 You'll observe each it's considerably longer with ADDITIONAL possible variations. The new IP system is designed to give us enough IP addresses so that people will not run out of unique IP addresses anytime in the near future. So just why do we are in need of IP-ADDRESSES? Quite simply, an IP ADDRESS address is like your physical home address. I-t designates a certain computer that is connected to the web. Every computer connected to the world wide web has an IP. That is necessary for it to receive and send data. If you key in a site name, for instance mine, that name is translated into an ip that is then applied to 'find' my site. In the current set of Internet Protocol Address addresses, going from left-to right, the very first 'octet' could be the most broad, with each successive octet getting more and more granular or specific. To explain a bit better. 134 - is EXTREMELY extensive 134.125 - remains rather extensive, but getting more specific 134.125.244 - gets more specific and probably describes a specific hosting company. - is as specific as you are able to get and describes a specific computer You will usually hear different classes including class A, class B, and class C discussed when dealing with IP addresses. Below I've given a few examples of what people are referring to when speaking about courses. Type A 134.XXX.XXX.XXX 240.XXX.XXX.XXX 22.XXX.XXX.XXX Class W 134.254.XXX.XXX 36.36.XXX.XXX 36.37.XXX.XXX School D 254.210.135.XXX 36.36.1.XXX 36.36.2.XXX It's often best to think about IP addresses as physical addresses, with the Class An octet being much like country, Class T, being a city in that country, Class C being a street in that city, and the final octet being truly a certain home on that street. Therefore, by looking above you should be able to see that when some talks about a Class An IP address they're discussing the first 'octet' and when they say that two IP addresses are on different Class A subnets, it simply means the first group of figures are different. Therefore like Are on different Class A's. They're VERY far apart (recall, Class A may be the most wide), while the rest of the Internet Protocol Address addresses are the same, since they're on Class As. The same goes for Class-b. Class B identifies the next octet of numbers. When some-one says that two IP addresses are on different Class B's it only means that the the 2nd octet's of each and every IP is different. The IPs may be on a single Class-a or it may be different, but the next Octet of figures is different. To better explain...look under. Within the above case, the very first two IP addresses are on a single Class A, but different Class B's. The next INTERNET protocol address, gets the same Class W number (3-4), but since the first Octet is different, it is also on a different Class B ( just like physical addresses, two countries may have the same city names, but they are still different cities). For class-c we're taking a look at the 3rd octet. Again, the first two above are on different Class C's, while the third gets the same class C number because the first, but it's first and second octets are different, so it is also on a different Class D. To research additional info, please check out] cheap I am hoping the aforementioned makes since to you. I've tried to offer lots of examples to-make it clear no matter what your technology background is. The good news is, that you rarely need to mess with IP-ADDRESSES. Your number will assign your domain name an ip-address, whenever you obtain a web hosting account for the domain name. You usually do not even HAVE to learn it. Generally your host may set all this up for you without you being forced to understand some of it. From that point o-n, when someone forms in your domain name, that name will then be converted to your assigned IP-ADDRESS and voila...your visitor winds up at your website. I will include some of the other fundamentals such as web-hosting accounts, nameservers, etc. in later articles. I'll see you at the top!.

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