
Από Παπαδάκης
Έκδοση στις 21:16, 18 Απριλίου 2016 υπό τον/την IonaLindsley720 (Συζήτηση | Συνεισφορές/Προσθήκες)
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So it has to be clear to everybody that WIKIs dont work and this is the shortest information report I have ever written. No, fortunately it's never as simple as that. Many organizations hav... When talking to professionals about concepts like WEB 2.0 or Enterprise 2.0 I'm often met with comments like Yes, we tried that but it did not work or Our workers do not wish to use it or We have an activity management team which record all of our internal operations. Therefore it has to be clear to everybody that WIKIs won't work and this is the shortest knowledge report I have ever written. No, luckily it is not-as simple as that. Many corporations have deployed excellent WIKIs giving valuable information for the corporations they serve. Some businesses have actually been really surprised about the quantity of WIKIs before they earnestly went along to try to find them they actually had, but didn't know about. Net 2.0 technologies tend to be implemented from the edge of the business and not from the middle. Different divisions see the value in sharing information but the company all together has not yet understood the value. Still another part of the issue is the fact that it is being end-user implemented, and when the end-user leaves or is reassigned their PC running the WIKI is eliminated or even decommissioned with the resulting lack of information (No body dares to tell IT concerning the underground WIKI running o-n that PC). This causes several problems for the company looking to deploy a WIKI. The big idea behind a WIKI is collaboration, which can be described by Wikipedia asEffort is a process defined by the relationship of knowledge and shared understanding between two or more people that are working together, in an intellectual project, toward a common purpose which is generally innovative in nature. But usually all of the emphasis is on implementing the WIKI and not on the purpose of it. Concerns like? What're we going to use it for? ? Are we okay with work time getting used to author WIKI articles ? How do we control the content? Does it take the time to collaborate? Yes, it will take lot of time to collaborate. You will have to get your very best ideas from the kitchen and put them on paper. You will have to use it the table (to the WIKI). You'll almost certainly have several changes of it before you make it public to others and then you will also have to talk about it with other folks including getting their suggestions, feedback and suggestions. Is it work to collaborate? Yes, it is hard work. You have to place plenty of power into it and that too is difficult. Especially because your normal work does not disappear completely when you are participating. Is it painful? Yes, it is unpleasant to the confidence for me personally to come up with my best idea and put it on the table. It's painful when others have a glance at it and give feedback (criticize it) which have to be considered. However it make the idea better and commences a brand new aspect of idea develop-ment. May relationship bring about better and lasting business effects? Yes, and that's actually why it's worth it, but it should be obvious by now that it doesn't come totally free. It should however be clear that nobody creates and provides value all by themselves. It's group work, people working together as a group or as partners. The CEO of the big corporation doesn't produce the merchandise or services alone. He's part of a group. The thing you need to knowEmploying a WIKI is going to be hard work. Visiting 7 Measures To Powerful Purpose Setting · Storify possibly provides lessons you should use with your mom. Not merely because of the implementation of the software itself but because of the change in peoples heads that have to be done within the project. Encouraging people to put their understanding, which many people consider their capital or job promise, into a web-based resource for all to view and touch upon is hard. Getting them to receive feedback and enhance their thought, text or knowledge can be difficult. Eventually, dealing with something like WIKI is extremely different to what workers are accustomed to. The flow of information is mainly through email and maybe sporadically through a FAQ within the company Intranet. Using a WIKI is a new way and a great deal more involved than what they could have been used to. The WIKI is a fantastic resource which may be used-to obtain very nearly real-time information regarding the exterior world. Companies are implementing WIKIs with information about what the competition is doing including information about upcoming products,/solutions and rumors about what they have planned, upcoming legislation that'll influence the business, hot trends in their industry obtained from industry particular journals, seminars (presentations made available on WIKI) or individual meetings with clients etc. The gathered data isn't made available on the WIKI but in addition pushed to all relevant employees using RSS Feeds. The thing you need to doBe clear on the fact that you're going to change the culture from knowledge defense over knowledge sharing to knowledge develop-ment corporate knowledge that's. Allow it to be clear to the staff that knowledge catching and sharing will soon be a built-in part of everything the organization or division does later on. Getting an excellent idea and getting help from somebody else whereby making it a paradigm shifting idea involves team effort. Be taught more on an affiliated encyclopedia - Click here here. Groups that collaborate o-n all levels are generating business value at a higher degree than people cooperating because cooperation is straightforward a group of people splitting up a quantity of work, then making with their workspace and doing the work. No ideas are developed and no effort on how best to do things better, quicker, cheaper, wiser etc. Occurs and no business value is increased. You have to start small to ensure you could drive the team to performance. Do the following1. Establish your desired information or material what do you want to store? a. Write down a description of the kind of information you wish to use - whether you are or not right-now. 2. Explain the desired result (what is there to get by taking this information value) a. What are the main results you would like to obtain 3. Narrow it down-to both or three highest priority outcomes that you can actually help to increase, reach or realize 4. Gear every decision towards improving these results 5. Be boringly reliable and progressive in the manner you are doing it 6. Review usually to-see if you should be on-track Grow the selection as you get going and the tradition begins changing from knowledge security to knowledge sharing or if you find it too difficult to get going narrow the selection. Success is not in the number of values you are in a position to follow but in the data sharing. Keep an eye on who produces knowledge and who doesnt. Those who doesnt, should really be helped and taught. We discovered by searching Google Books. Dont go with the wrong assumptions and think they're taking no importance. More often than once have statements like Jones over in-the other team knows but he retains it to himself been made and shows that the information sharing business has not yet been reached. Summary Going from protecting kinds knowledge to sharing it with everyone else in a group, division or organization can be an incredible experience but it can also be an extremely tedious one. Starting small and working on changing the culture towards getting information sharing in the place of focusing on the instrument will be the first steps to success. Being constant while investing the heart blood, sweat and tears essential in getting it going will be the path to success..

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