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Έκδοση στις 17:27, 27 Ιουλίου 2016 υπό τον/την PrudyHalstead993 (Συζήτηση | Συνεισφορές/Προσθήκες)
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It was an ordinary day at the TV station, I was the sales manager, and also in charge of writing, shooting, and editing some of the station's TV ads. There is always plenty to do in the small non-profit station in southern New Mexico. It was the first time that I had worked in a television station, particularly a Christian development station, having spent nearly all of my career in main-stream radio up-to that place. I still remember the time that I first walked into that station with my resume in hand, handed it across the desk to the station supervisor, saying, 'I'm Dianne James, here's my resume, and I'd want to work for you.' He checked out the resume and we'd an excellent talk. If you know anything at all, you will perhaps claim to discover about Discover a Family Law Attorney - Wedding Blogs - Project Wedding. Towards the end of that talk, he said, 'Well, you will have to complete income along with other work...' I had heard that before. I had done that before, simply not television, but I realized that if I could sell watermelons, apples, and radio airtime, I could sell television. Also, there is an even more important function to the job. I did so maybe not know it then, but it was an opportunity to help people, and to generate a big difference. The money wasn't great, because it was a non-profit, but it was also my first television job. The only real other TELEVISION station I had actually even visited was, as a child, on my birthday when I was allowed to ring the bell on the Admiral Foghorn Show, a-kind of West Texas version of Captain Kangaroo, in Odessa Texas. I did so perhaps not mention Admiral Foghorn. I'd be one-of three employees, and would head out with the director to satisfy my assigned clients, all through these first days face to face. Well, in an ideal world, that would have happened. The manager was a very busy man. H-e did not have time for you to hold someone's hand and present them to everybody. So, one day while waiting for him to get off-the phone, I decided not to wait any more. I left and started making cold calls. Weeks passed until 1 day while heading into the control room, I tripped and fell on a small little step-down into the room. I did so maybe not know a human's foot can bend that far backwards. I really could not walk. Naturally, I was o-n crutches for some months, and carrying a short case, making sales calls, and at the same time it had snowed. Perhaps not a pleasing experience. After a really slow sales month, I was thinking that maybe this job wasn't intended for me, after all. My supervisor called me into the office one day and said he wanted me to become the sales manager. He had always been the sales manager, and, to my understanding, therefore I remained, no-one else had ever held that position except him. The staying became a learning experience. It was inside my tenure because the sales manager a woman went into the place, hopeless and desperate. I asked her if I can help her, and she seemed a bit puzzled. She said, with a slight Spanish accent, 'I do not know, I only came in here, I don't know why. My daughter got killed in a drive-by shooting in Las Cruces, and I just got out of court.' I found pain in her eyes. Huge pain. She was on the verge of tears, as she relayed the story of how her child just happened to be in-the wrong place at the wrong time, when a bullet from a drive-by shooting took his life. I'd kids of my own, and at the time some thing with-in me felt some of her pain. Well, there was no basis for her to be at the TV station, she did not even know-it was a television station; she said she'd just wandered in, from the court house across the road. I recognized the her graying hair, braces on her feet and a look in her eyes that made me feel like she thought I could do anything about all this. I shared with her, 'Wait, I will be back.' I brought her a Bible from the office, and turned to the book of Job. 'This has helped me often in my own life, and I think it'll help in the event that you read this,' I informed her. She lay down in the reception, said okay, and took the Bible, and started to read. I told her I'd be in just a little bit. I left the area to offer her time and energy to read it. When I returned, she was gone. The Bible lay o-n the couch, and I wondered if she'd also see the passage. I felt bad, that perhaps I must have gone back to check up on her sooner, but she was gone and nothing could possibly be done. Time passed, and the CBS Sunday Morning personnel had arrive at Alamogordo to throw a particular about gang violence with Yahooskin and Howdy Fowler as a part of it, with their cross-country camel journey, increasing understanding of gang violence. The lady who'd wandered in to the station days before was definitely on my mind. I eventually found out who she was and named her in Las Cruces, to determine how she was doing, she had been so down, so depressed about her child, I had wondered what had happened to her. She mentioned, 'Yes, I remember you.' At the conclusion of the conversation she said, 'Many thanks. You saved my life.' The afternoon she had walked in, I didn't know very well what that girl may do. I knew she was in pain, and very frustrated. All I could do was talk to her and she to me, and try to give her some hope. I then found out that regardless of what our walk or position in life, we could help people as you go along. You don't have to be a saint to greatly help somebody, often. Great issue, because I was not. All I knew is that she was so troubled, she might commit suicide. Suicide is not the solution, because what you're going through right now might be the ability that someone needs in the future to keep them from committing suicide, or stopping on life- a supply of future pleasure for you, having the ability to truly help someone. There is great joy in this living for you, if you give it the time to find you. It's these tumultuous times, these trials of existence, that prepare us for what we have to do as time goes on. Unfortunately, too many just take their own lives, not knowing that they could help someone else using their perception of getting experienced that pain, too. They do not understand that a person can do-anything, an hour at any given time. Every day at the same time. What it requires is referring to it- even if it is to a stranger. Perhaps a pastor. Many people try taking anti-depressants to cope with their problems, but I have found that the best and fastest way to face the most challenging circumstances is head-on, through the center of it. The perspective where they're considering the problem is skewed by that pain, whenever a person is feeling that much pain. For this reason, this indicates impossible. It certainly helps to vent to some other one who will hear. Find since tomorrow is a new day, one that can, even if it is a stranger. The sun will rise, the birds will sing, and you'll survive this. You will be stronger for having survived this, and you will then be in a particular position to help another person survive that critical moment when life is in the balance. Everybody has a purpose to their life. It will take most of us a very long time to find what that's, but there's a purpose. You need to remain alive to discover what it's. Remember, also, there are huge numbers of people these days who feel like they've no-one who loves them. There is love. Just keep living and striving for your happiness that you will find. Keep understanding and you'll keep growing. And do not forget, you can do something, one hour or a day at a time. Browse here at the link boycase4's blog to read where to think over this concept. You'd be surprised to learn how many people that are travelling content today have, at least once, considered killing themselves. That moment now could be but a tiny element of your great journey of life ahead. When the Lord can use a plain old merchant like me to help somebody, H-e can undoubtedly use you, too. Some body will need your love, sometime. Browsing To lee mcfarland likely provides aids you can use with your family friend. If you are alive you can only just love them. Did you know30,000 people commit suicide each year in the Usa - a rate of 11 in every 100,000 Americans, or one-person every 1-7 minutes.. The Rocky Mountain region has the greatest suicide rate in the country.. In the event people choose to learn further on Where Will Be The Dreamers, there are tons of online libraries people might consider investigating. In 1998, the suicide death rate in Colorado was more than 1-4 people per 100,000, which makes it the highest in the state and 36-inches greater than the national average.. Around 9,600 Coloradans seriously contemplate suicide annually and approximately one-half to two-thirds of the people are perhaps not being treated due to their suicidal symptoms. Key Details About Suicide The largest amount of suicide deaths occur among men, between 3-5 and 44 years old, with the chance for suicide increasing for those with a mental infection or who abuse alcohol. Middle-aged men who commit suicide are also the least likely of all groups to find mental health treatment before their death.. The danger of suicide death increases among men because they age and is specially high among men who are 75 years or older. All of the aged who die from suicide are white and aren't married.. The chance for suicide among women does not increase because they age.. Suicide is the cause of death among youth, though suicide deaths among youth are relatively rare weighed against other age groups.. Young people, especially young women, are a lot more prone to be hospitalized for a suicide attempt than older adults.. Risk facets for suicide could be traits of an individual (being male, having a mental or physical illness, having a family history of suicide), situational (residing alone, being unemployed) or behavioral (alcoholism, drug abuse or owning a gun ).. Individuals at risk for suicide will not seek treatment for their emotional problems. Getting this populace in-to care is an essential purpose of suicide prevention efforts.. National data claim that only one-third (36) of people at-risk for suicide visited a medical-care service with-in the past year. Only 10 percent report having seen a physician for their psychological problems and yet another 29-foot visited a physician for other reasons..

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