Proposed by Jesús Ordóñez Díaz

Translated by Pilar Ordóñez López
From CEIP "Tucci". Martos (Jaén). SPAIN.


Let´s get to know our surroundings

- Martos Cultural Visit -


          With this complementary and extra activity, we intend to offer the possibility to link the theoretical contents of the classroom to the historical reality of our town, which implies a proximity and knowledge of our historical environment. 

         Moreover, this activity involves the collaboration of several institutions (AMPA, Local Department for Culture of Martos Town Hall and CEIP "TUCCI"), so that efforts come together to create in our students an attitude of respect, knowledge and preservation of  Martos historical heritage.

         The following objectives are proposed: 

    1. To value our historical heritage as a collective good that must be preserved and transferred.
    2. To understand history through its remains and to develop behaviours orientated towards its preservation
    3. To encourage environmentally respectful behaviours

       These objectives are aimed to achieve the following targets:

·        To use maps of the town to situate the different roads, squares and interesting buildings, differentiating the old city from the modern parts.

·        To know the history and architectural style of the most important buildings as well as to be able to tackle in a constructive way their preservation

·        To encourage attitudes of respect, care and preservation


To follow the itinerary, click on the numbers on the map