Solar System

Solar System

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Solar System

Listen to the welcoming message:
Read the text transcript of the welcoming message.
In ancient times there was the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe; astronomers believed that Earth was standing still in the center of the celestial sphere. All the other planets, stars, Moon and Sun were placed on the sphere and made constant specified movements revolving around Earth.
This aspect is called Geocentric model.
geocentric model image
Furthermore, throughout mythology earth was presented having the shape of a flat surface like a large round baking pan that, when its ends were reached terrible creatures lurked and tremendous occurrences might happen. poster from pirates of caribbean movie

Scientific facts

The Solar system includes a bright star, the Sun, being the stationary center and the eight planets revolving around with their moons in predefined elliptic orbits bound to the sun by gravity.
The Heliocentric model was first presented as unproved theory from ancient astronomers and only in the 16th century was strongly supported by Copernicus and Galilei.
Later on astronomers realized that the sun is not the center of the universe and only the previous century Hubble had shown that our Solar system is part of one of billions galaxies including billions of other solar systems.

Watch a brief simulation of the Solar system:

For further information visit the website of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).


An unexpected guest

alien's spaceship image

A little Alien has shown up in the neighborhood and seems worried as he wants to get back to his planet. He is so cute and friendly but also very sad.
He cannot find the way out of our solar system for he is confused by the sparkling light of the sun.
He asks for help in order to get back as his planet is not visible from Earth, hidden behind the last planet of our solar system, (is it or not anymore?) Pluto.

In certain pages you will find some activities to help him. Do you want to try?


Our little Alien friend feels so sad watching all the buildings outside the window. Download an image and use it as your desktop background to make him feel more comfortable.

solar system satellite Earth and Mars Sun and Venus planet Venus spaceships

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