4th Primary School of Eleftherio-Kordelio


Class C


Flexible Area - Healthy Diet



Research of the students of the 3rd grade of the 4th Primary School of EleftherioKordelio


 Questionnaire of  Stydents' Weekly Diet Habits.

 Boy: _____________

Girl: ______________

 Age: _________


.1How many times a week you eat…

Cerials? __________

• Pastas? __________

 • Legumes? __________

• Meat? __________

 • Fish? _________

• Rice? __________

• Eggs? __________

 • Chicken? __________

 • Dairy Food? __________

• Fruits? __________

 • Vegetables? __________

 • Potatoes? __________


 2. How many times a week do you drink refreshments? _____________

3. How many times a week do you drink fresh juice? ____________

 4. A) Do you eat breakfast in the mornings? YES ________ NO __________

b) What do you usually eat for breakfast? ___________________________________________________________

5. What you usually eat during the breaks at school? ___________________________________________________________


We request the questionnaire to be supplemented with the help of parent.

We thank you.