guess about movies
created by Italian team
Movie: "300"
When did "300" go out and where?
- Italy, 1993
- Usa, 2005
- France, 2007
- Usa, 2007
Movie: "300"
The war in "300" was between:
- Spartans-Greeks
- Spartans-Persians
- Persians-Romans
- Italians-Spartans
Movie: "300"
The king of Spartans and Persians were:
- Queen Gorgo-Dilios
- Queen Gorgo-King Leonidas
- King Leonidas-'God-King' Xerxes
- God-King' Xerxes-Dilios
Movie: "Troy"
Who is the Troy's director?
- Woody Allen
- Wolfang Petersen
- Massimo Ceccherini
- Lewis Gilbert
Movie: "Troy"
What is the character that Garrett Hedlung interpreted?
- Ettore
- Priamo
- Menelao
- Patroclo
Movie: "Troy"
When the movie "Troy" came out?
- 2001
- 2003
- 2004
- 2006
Which are the competitors teams???
- Chelsea and Arsenal
- West Ham and Arsenal
- West Ham and Milwal
- Milwal and Chelsea
Who is the protagonist???
- Pete
- Matt
- Bower
- Tommy
From which college was the protagonist expelled ?
- Harvard
- Cambrige
- Oxford
- Yale
Movie: "Fight Club"
What is the first Fight Club's rule?
- No shirt, No shoes.
- The Fight is one at a time
- Never speak about Fight Club
- If this is the first time that you are in Fight Club, you must fight
Movie: "Fight Club"
Who is the character interpreted by Brad Pitt?
- Dylan Durden
- Tyler Durden
- Thomas Turner
- Jerry Turnes
Movie: "Fight Club"
When did the movie Fight Club go out?
- 1999
- 2001
- 1996
- 2000