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Στις σελίδες αυτές γίνεται προσπάθεια να παρουσιαστεί υλικό και ενδιαφέροντα θέματα για τους μαθητές αλλά και για τους συναδέλφους μου.

Δείτε εργασίες που έχουν γίνει και πολλές ακόμη πληροφορίες.

Περισσότερα σε λίγο...

Ασύγχρονη Εκπαίδευση

Σε λίγο θα είναι έτοιμη η πλατφόρμα ασύγχρονης εκπαίδευσης για τη εκπαίδευση από απόσταση.


Δημιουργώντας Κώδικα

Η κατασκευή προγραμμάτων είναι πλέον δυνατή με πανεύκολο τρόπο και για κάθε "πλατφόρμα". Δείτε τις δημιουργίες στο "Εργαστήρι Κώδικα".


About Joomla!

Joomla! runs on any platform including Windows, most flavours of Linux, several Unix versions, and the Apple OS/X platform. Joomla! depends on PHP and the MySQL database to deliver dynamic content.

The minimum requirements are:

  • Apache 1.x, 2.x and higher
  • PHP 4.3 and higher
  • MySQL 3.23 and higher
It will also run on alternative server platforms such as Windows IIS - provided they support PHP and MySQL - but these require additional configuration in order for the Joomla! core package to be successful installed and operated.


Support for the Joomla! CMS can be found on several places. The best place to start would be the Joomla! Official Documentation Wiki. Here you can help yourself to the information that is regularly published and updated as Joomla! develops. There is much more to come too!

Of course you should not forget the Help System of the CMS itself. On the topmenu in the Back-end Control panel you find the Help button which will provide you with lots of explanation on features.

Another great place would of course be the Forum . On the Joomla! Forum you can find help and support from Community members as well as from Joomla! Core members and Working Group members. The forum contains a lot of information, FAQ's, just about anything you are looking for in terms of support.

Two other resources for Support are the Joomla! Developer Site and the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED). The Joomla! Developer Site provides lots of technical information for the experienced Developer as well as those new to Joomla! and development work in general. The JED whilst not a support site in the strictest sense has many of the Extensions that you will need as you develop your own Web site.

The Joomla! Developers and Bug Squad members are regularly posting their blog reports about several topics such as programming techniques and security issues.


Joomla! Documentation can of course be found on the Joomla! Official Documentation Wiki. You can find information for beginners, installation, upgrade, Frequently Asked Questions, developer topics, and a lot more. The Documentation Team helps oversee the wiki but you are invited to contribute content, as well.

There are also books written about Joomla! You can find a listing of these books in the Joomla! Shop.

Got a question? With more than 210,000 members, the Joomla! Discussion Forums at forum.joomla.org are a great resource for both new and experienced users. Ask your toughest questions the community is waiting to see what you'll do with your Joomla! site.

Do you want to show off your new Joomla! Web site? Visit the Site Showcasesection of our forum.

Do you want to contribute?

If you think working with Joomla is fun, wait until you start working on it. We're passionate about helping Joomla users become contributors. There are many ways you can help Joomla's development:

  • Submit news about Joomla. We syndicate Joomla-related news on JoomlaConnectTM. If you have Joomla news that you would like to share with the community, find out how to get connectedhere.
  • Report bugs and request features in our trackers. Please read Reporting Bugs, for details on how we like our bug reports served up
  • Submit patches for new and/or fixed behaviour. Please read Submitting Patches, for details on how to submit a patch.
  • Join the developer forums and share your ideas for how to improve Joomla. We're always open to suggestions, although we're likely to be sceptical of large-scale suggestions without some code to back it up.
  • Join any of the Joomla Working Groups and bring your personal expertise to the Joomla community.

These are just a few ways you can contribute. SeeContribute to Joomlafor many more ways.

As with previous releases, Joomla! provides a unified and easy-to-use framework for delivering content for Web sites of all kinds. To support the changing nature of the Internet and emerging Web technologies, Joomla! required substantial restructuring of its core functionality and we also used this effort to simplify many challenges within the current user interface. Joomla! 1.5 has many new features.

Διαβάστε περισσότερα: What's New in 1.5?

Σελίδα 2 από 2

Τα wiki spaces

Για το υλικό των μαθημάτων έχει δημιουργηθεί χώρος wiki space. 

Σκοπός είναι όλο το υλικό να ανέβει σταδιακά και το προσεχές χρονικό διάστημα, ώστε να είναι διαθέσιμο καθ όλη την εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία.

Δείτε εδώ αργότερα...

Νέο Πρόγραμμα

Joomla! 2.5 - Get more

Δείτε εδώ τα νέα Προγράμματα σπουδών των μαθημάτων της Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών.

Γίνεται διαρκής ενημέρωση


Ξεκινώντας πιο εύκολα...

Easy to startΞεκινώντας, δείτε, από το κεντρικό μενού, τις επιλογές με τα ενδιαφέροντα θέματα.

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Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία

Docs / SupportΔείτε ερευνητικές εργασίες και αναζητείστε υλικό και πληροφορίες που ίσως σας ενδιαφέρουν.

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Ενώνοντας τα κομμάτια...

Native RTL SupportΠως λειτουργούν; που τα βρίσκω; τι είναι...; γιατί ...; .

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