We have sex, but there is no intimacy

I totally agree with wowgodisgood!! I kept feeling like there was somthing wrong with me too! I told myself that it was all ok with God but my totally outrageous desire for my hunnie was making me feel… well, outrageously nyphatic!! Even my husband asked me if I was normal. I said “well when it comes to you I REALLY CAN’T HELP MYSELF!” lol! So THANK YOU for giving me a big sigh of relief that there are many many others out there just like me with a naturally large appetite for thier gorgeous and wonderful spouses!! I can’t wait to fully explore this site! Thank You Lord!!

I have been feeling so guilty about everything we do(vibrator, toys,anal sex, multipla O’s

Thank you for this website. I never knew such a website existed. The first time I visited the site I read various articles and comments for about 2 hours. I cried myself to sleep that night. You see, you speak of the type of intimacy I crave in my marriage. But alas, it doesn’t exist right now. But I am committed to my marriage and I believe the Lord can use all the difficulties we face in our marriages to mold and shape us. I find my husband intensely sexy and desirable, but there is such a lack of real intimacy in our relationship that I am really starting to despair. I will continue to pray and persevere. I hope to have a praise report very soon! Blessing to you all!!

I sumbled onto it almost 2 weeks ago (The same day I found The Marriage Bed) I didn’t even realize there was anything wrong with our sex life exactly

I love this site! Dh and I have been married for 7 and a half years and have 3 young children. I was teenchat very into making love at the beginning and attributed my downward desire to babies and life ever after. Dh kept asking what was wrong and why I didn’t desire him like I used to, I just thought what’s wrong with once a week? We have a wonderful marriage and are much close than most couples I know, so the issue didn’t seem huge but I know it bothered dh more than me. I was looking up some ideas to spice things up a little and flopped onto this site. What bliss! The last 2 weeks have been amazing. At first I think dh was a little concerned and maybe worried it wouldn’t last. I just explained, It’s like I was sleeping and had no idea how to wake up. I’m awake now and love it! Thanks for putting all this information out there. Everything witnesses in my heart as true and I love being set free and furthering our amazing relationship. Again Thanks for letting God use you to reach the rest of us that may have been sleeping!

Oh my gosh! I am so gratefule that I am not the only woman out there willing to try anything with her husband! …) I didn’t know what the bible said about it and couldn’t find anything either. But you have made me feel normal, even excited to call myself a NYMPHO! All I can say is thank you!

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

I had posted a comment a couple of days ago and realized that I posted it in the wrong spot. My mind must had been in shock with what I had found in this wonderful website. So, I will repeat what I wrote in another place…I am so blessed and thrilled to have found this site. It came at the right time for me as well. My husband is a very sexual man (what man isn’t). But, he could be half a sleep and if I came on to him, he would wake right up! This site has given me as a Christian woman the OK to move forward in all the areas of intimacy that my husband and I can dream up. My husband is not a Christian and I am beginning to think that God has revealed this to me to see that God isn’t just a ruling, dictator and we are his puppets. Thank you so much all of you that have contributed to this site! I have even emailed my husband a link to the Multiple Orgasm page and told him I wanted us to work on that. He was totally into it and said that he would LOVE to work on it. I will continue to visit and watch for more updates. GOD BLESS.

We have sex, but there is no intimacy