Conjoined Twins Abby And Brittany Hensel Are Now Thriving 30 Years Later

by Dana Daly

31 years ago, Abby and Brittany Hensel first captivated the world with their unique story. Born conjoined, the twins might have been separated at birth, but at the risk of one of their lives. As a result, they literally grew up together. But they both have different paths they’ve actively been pursuing in recent years.

They talked with curious fans about their current life, exploring topics of romance, careers, ilies of their own. All the while, they also stay in touch with doctors for their health. March 7, 1990 marks the date of their birth, and there has been much to celebrate since.

When last fans heard from Abby and Brittany Hensel…

Both have a passion for education. This is one of the few personality overlaps they share; despite being conjoined, they are very different from one another. Both Abby and Brittany Hensel got jobs as fifth-grade teachers. They each teach different subjects as different teachers for different classes. However, they receive one single shared paycheck.

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Years ago, they endured this situation quietly. However, with more experience under their belt, they decided to push for separate salaries for their , Abby and Brittany revealed that the school that hired them offered them two contracts. Since they were working part-time, they weren’t receiving a full salary. Their compensation was split in two, meaning Abby and Brittany each got half.” Abby and Brittany bring separate degrees in math and English from Bethel University, which makes them further uniquely qualified at an individual level, so the decision makes sense.

What are their plans for romance?

Despite being conjoined, Abby and Brittany Hensel fully want to build separate love lives, enjoy different dates, get married, and maybe have kids of their own. To an extent, that also entails a life outside of the public’s eye. They participated in a TLC series to educate viewers about their lives and normalize the appearance of conjoined twins. Now, however, they are more private, with their last Instagram post from some five years ago.

However, they did share their goals beyond educational careers. This area might bring them some complications. In 2012, a rumor circulated stating Brittany was engaged. The girls dismissed it and did not elaborate further. While they guard their private lives, they also must guard their health. Their lives must involve trips to medical professionals, consultants, surgeons, and neurologists. Visits like these ensure they’re both staying healthy.

Staying vague about the more personal details of their lives, Abby and Brittany participated in an interview to explain their dreams of romance on their own terms, not what rumors try to dictate. Each twin hopes to find a prince charming of her own, echoing and stressing the fact that they are “totally different people.” The closest to specific plans they shared came from Abby, who elaborated, “Yeah, we are going to be moms one day, but we don’t want to talk about how it’s going to work yet.”

In the meantime, love might not be in the air, but music is. The two nurture their love for playing piano together, with Abby in charge of high notes and Brittany in charge of lower keys. They’re very active outside, too, loving the thrill of traveling, though of course that also means answering personal questions.

Back to the beginning

Patty and Mike Hensel were shocked when their daughters were born. Initially, they anticipated giving birth to one child. However, that day at the hospital, they actually gave birth to a very special set of twins. Abby and Brittany Hensel were born conjoined at the torso, with their own separate heads, necks, and spines. Immediately, the couple knew their daughters might have a difficult time navigating life. They rejected proposals for a separation. Some parents pursue separation with great success, but in this case, the risk was too great that one daughter would perish. Instead, the couple showered their twin daughters with love and attentive care.

Conjoined Twins Abby And Brittany Hensel Are Now Thriving 30 Years Later