Treat this blend like you would treat your love, kindly and gentally, and it will repay you in full

My wife was with me when I opened the tin and she loved the smell of the tobacco and loved it even more when I was smoking it

If you have a big honking sweet tooth, look no further. Sweet Killarney is sweet indeed. A fragrant mix of Burley and Virginia with just a pinch of our good, sugary, friend Black Cavendish, this blend is candy to say the least. When opening the tin, I found the smell to be very pleasant. It packs very well, but it is wet right out of the tin, so dry it first. While puffing away I remember riding bikes to the corner candy store when I was a kid. This blend smells great out of the tin and even better when burning. The taste is simply sweet and creamy. Nothing too complicated, just a nice, pleasant dessert smoke. Good for after dinner or on those lazy Saturday afternoons when you want to just be with yourself and collect your thoughts. This won’t distract you from them with complexity. A word of caution, this blend smokes hot, so draw slowly escort in Madison and patiently. Great for building cake and burns to a uniform white ash. If you want a little old fashioned tasting candy but don’t feel like racking up a bill at the dentist, give this a puff. Your sweet tooth will be satisfied fully, and won’t need a filling later.

This is not my first dance with smoking a pipe, but it is my first at smoking and english blend. Sweet Killarney in my opinion is a great smoke! Of course this all came about when I picked up a pipe at a flea markent and found out it was one of Petersons pipes stamped reject, which has not been stamped that way in over twenty years they told me via and email after enquiring. It is to say it burns cool and sweet with very little bite and the aroma fills the room to satisfaction of the booth of us. I very much recommend this tobacco and plan to enjoy it from now on!

This was my first Peterson blend, and boy, was it an education. This tobacco will bite, hard. I had the sores on my tounge to prove it. This blend needs to be babied, and sipped. Peterson blends, I have found, are delecate and tasteful (when treated properly). Sweet Kilarney is no exception.

The smell and flavor on light is very mildly ‘not tobbacco’, but that goes away fairly quickly. The smoke is light, and while it doesn’t have what I would call a ‘pleasing’ aroma, it isn’t overpowering.

I don’t really find anything remarkable about it. It is based on y flavour or wife-pleasing room note to speak of, I’d rather spend my money on something more fulfilling.

Sweet, sweet caramel and brown sugar comes to mind, along with a dark chocolate-like smell

EDIT: I am marking this down to two stars, it just bites too bad, but it is an interesting and mature candy tobacco, these days I can see this as a ‘to mix with’ only tobbacco, which would add a desert sweetness to your favorite flake or latakia, would keep the wife happy.

My first ever smoke, I don’t puff on this one too much anymore, but I do like caramel, and find this does have some nice earthy undertones for a «candy» tobacco. I feel reviewers are a little hard on this one. People say peterson blends are bland, i would prefare to say ‘modern’ or popularistic. I like my aro’s and my peterson’s, I began with them and have returned to them after spending alot of money and effort sampling more ‘serious’ brands and blends over the past year.

Treat this blend like you would treat your love, kindly and gentally, and it will repay you in full