A farmer had a bed covered with a coarse linen sheet that had been woven by his wife, while a nobleman had fine linen sheets. In the farmer's bedroom there were a shelf where his clothes were kept and a basket, while in a nobleman's bedroom there were a cabinet where his clothes were kept, his wife's cosmetic box and a lamp for lighting the bedroom in the evening.

A farmer used to get up and wash and shave in the morning. On the other hand a nobleman used to be waken by a servant. The servant also helped him to wash and shave his face. A farmer got dressed in a kilt made of coarse linen and sandals made of reeds, while a nobleman was dressed in a kilt made of fine linen and sandals made of leather.

    A farmer's wife was already awake. She had washed and dressed in the early morning light. Then she went into the next room to wake the children and begin the daily chores. On the other hand a nobleman's wife washed and dressed with the help of another servant. For breakfast a farmer and his wife had a small meal of bread and fruit. The same happened with the nobleman's family. A farmer worked in the field near his house. He filled several baskets with his harvest loaded them into two donkeys and set out for the temple with two field workers. He had to pay for the use of the land, which belonged to the church. On the other hand a nobleman didn't work, he was just having an appointment with the overseer of his lands. A farmer's wife was grinding wheat and baking bread in the afternoon, she walked to the river with her children to collect water. In the evening she prepared a small dinner of bread, meat and beer for her family. The nobleman's wife, when she began preparing for the evening banquet, she brushed and curled her favourite wig. They ate meat, figs, cakes and wine and they were entertained by musicians and dancing girls. A farmer with his wife put their children to bed, blew out the lamp and went to sleep. On the other hand the nobleman with his wife said "goodnight" to their guests and went to bed.

Athanasopoulos V., Kondili V.,  Koronakos V.,  Leakos T., Markatou H.

