According to some calculations one ton of recycled paper saves 15-17 trees and it saves the energy we take from one barrel of petrol. Every big town produces daily thousands tons of rubbish from which only 10% can be recycled at the moment. Although it is a small part, the recycled material can have many uses: napkins, paper handkerchiefs. Other materials that can be recycled are: glass, aluminum. Recycling materials like newspapers and glass must be collected, separately."If someone else can use it, why we must throw it?" In the roads of big cities and in the rubbish areas we often see fridges, cupboards and other furniture, which are thrown away as unnecessary material.

Sources: SCIENCE scientific and technology encyclopaedia.

 Zoe Tsialemi

Recycling isn't something new. It has started over the past decade.

Nearly all paper manufactured in Europe and the U.S. through the mid-1800s could be considered recycled paper. Paper was first manufactured in the U.S. in 1690 at the Rittenhouse mill near Philadelphia. Old rags and worn-out clothing were the primary source of fiber supplying the paper mill, because the process for making paper from wood had not yet been developed.

In the U.S. about 45 percent of the paper is recycled back into new paper and paperboard products. Wood fibers can only be recycled five to seven times before they become too short and ‘worn out’ to be made into paper again. Of course, we could never recycle 100 percent of the paper we use. Much of it is soiled with food or other contaminants. And a lot of paper is stored permanently in the form of books and documents.

Source: Paper University Why recycle?                                         

Anastasia Pandeli.

Recycling is the elaboration for industrial products. Materials that can be recycled are: paper, glass, plastic and different metals. Recycling is useful because:

1) It provides us with raw materials and energy. The deposits, which are in the ground, are being used up at a quick pace without being able to be replaced. It has been proved that for the production of one tone of paper from wood, 30% more energy needs to be wasted than the energy we need to recycle the paper. If we recycle plastic we have 9\10 of energy which would be needed to make new plastic.

2) With recycling there is no import so the prices are lower.

3) With recycling we have a better and healthier life because we don't need huge rubbish tips and the ground won't be polluted.

 Demi Nikolaou


Nowadays people throw a lot of rubbish in the rubbish tips and this has as a result the increase of pollution. I think that recycling is the best solution for the problem. All the people must recycle their rubbish because at the end the whole town will be an enormous place of rubbish and then our lives will be in danger because of the pollution and illnesses. We must think about our children!

There are also other problems that we must think about. Each of us needs a large tree every year for the paper we use. This is a problem because another tree can take up to fifty years to grow! There are many problems and some of them are very serious. Environmentalists say that chemicals from the old batteries we throw away are polluting the rivers and the lakes. Every month an office uses three tones of paper! We must reduce the amount of paper we use. We must start recycling our rubbish.

Recycling reduces the amount of litter we throw away and helps cut down on energy used. If we start recycling our rubbish, everywhere will be less litter and the air and the water will be cleaner. From all these things we conclude that recycling is the best solution for all the environmental problems. All people must recycle and the most important thing is that children must learn from their young ages to recycle because recycling will provide them a better environment to grow up and to live a happy life!!!                                                        

Helen Markatou