Ψηφίδα Logo | Ψηφίδα Ζωγραφική |
to zita
:a :x rt 90 fd :a rt 180-:x fd :a/cos :x lt 180-:x fd :a end zita 100 45 |
seagull :x :c lt :x/2 fd :c lt :x fd :c/2 bk :c/2 rt :x bk :c rt :x fd :c rt :x fd :c/2 bk :c/2 lt :x bk :c lt :x/2 end seagull 50 70 |
to toxo
:n repeat :n [fd 1 rt 1] end toxo 360 |
to spira
:n make "d 5 repeat :n [make "d :d+5 fd :d rt 90] end spira 20 |
polygon :length :sides repeat :sides [fd :length rt 360.0/:sides] end polygon 100 5 |
to sq :x repeat 4[fd :x rt 90] fd :x end to tri :x rt 30 repeat 3[fd :x rt 120] end to house :x sq :x tri :x lt 30 bk :x end house 100 |
imitono repeat 360 [setxy repcount 100*sin repcount] end imitono |
trigono :x repeat 3 [fd :x rt 120] end to fractal :n :x repeat :n [trigono :x fd :x/2 rt 60 trigono :x/2
pu home pd end fractal 3 100 |
fingers :a pu fd 10 pd rt 5 repeat 5 [fd :a rt 170 fd :a lt 170] lt 5 pu bk 10 pd end fingers 100 |
to axes pu ht setxy -180 -180 pd repeat 18 [fd 20 lt 90 fd 3 bk 6 fd 3 rt 90] bk 360 rt 90 repeat 18 [fd 20 lt 90 fd 3 bk 6 fd 3 rt 90] bk 360 lt 90 st end axes |
to begin pu setxy -250 0 pd end to semicircle :x :y repeat integer 180/:y [fd :x rt :y] fd :y rt 180 end to gefira :z :x :y begin repeat :z [semicircle :x :y] end gefira 3 5 4 |
to tree
:size if :size<4 [stop] fd :size lt 20 tree :size/2 rt 40 tree :size/2 lt 20 bk :size end tree 80 |
to squ
:si repeat 4 [fd :si rt 90] end to face pd squ 100 pu fd 20 rt 90 fd 25 pd fd 50 pu bk 75 lt 90 fd 65 rt 90 fd 20 pd squ 15 pu fd 45 pd squ 15 pu bk 15 rt 90 fd 20 lt 45 pd squ 20 end face |
to astro
:a :b :c :d repeat :a [rt :c fd :b rt :d fd :b lt 150] end astro 18 62 18 152 |
to toxo
:n repeat :n [fd 1 rt 1] end to petal repeat 2 [toxo 90 rt 90] end to flower repeat 10 [petal rt 36] end to plant flower back 150 petal back 50 end plant |
to tunnel
:c ask [turtle1] [curv :c] end to curv :c setxy -:c*30 0 make "x -:c*30 repeat :c*60+1 [setxy :x -1/(:c*30)*:x*:x+:c*30
setxy 0 0 end to lory :a :b ask [turtle2] [truc :a :b] end to truc :a :b rt 90 fd (:a/2)*30 lt 90 fd :b*30 lt 90 fd :a*30 lt 90 fd :b*30 lt 90 fd (:a/2)*30 lt 90 end tunnel 4.5 lory 3.5 2.5 |