How will be done
A. In Groups tab ...
- Add a new group
- Declare it as Hot Spots
- Add the picture (south Europe)
- Decide whether the Hot Spots will be Points or Areas
- Write an informative caption (optional)
- Visit Questions tab for the rest details
B1. ITALY (step 1/3)
In the Questions tab there is already an unfinished question but it is not
yet usable ...
Click on Define hot area
in order to define the area or areas that represent Italy on the map.
The label Hot Areas: 0
indicates that you have not yet defined the area (or areas) that corresponds (correspond) to Italy
B2. ITALY (step 2/3)
In the form Define hot area ...
Choose how you will specify the hot area.
When the area has a complicated shape, we usually choose Polygon.
By successively clicking on peaks of Figure specify your area of interest.
Right click to "close" the area.
Especially for Italy you will need to define three areas.
One for the Italian mainland, one for Sicily and one for Sardinia.
- Validate by clicking ΟΚ and return to Questions tab
B3. ITALY (step 3/3)
- Write the text - ITALY
- Change, if you wish, the value of this pair - 60
- Add a new hot area
Click Define hot area to define the exact area of the Portugal on the map.
When you are ready defining the Portugal territory return to Questions tab and ...
- Write the text - PORTUGAL
- Change, if you wish, the value of this pair - 70
Work as in Portugal.
Especially for Spain, may need to specify two areas, with the second being Madeira island.
You may, in the same area (eg Italy), to assign and other words eg VATICAN
or multimedia eg the image of the Colosseum (coloseum.jpg)
Here's how it will be presented to the pupil this group of (now) 5 questions.