NYC Mayor Eric Adams Applauds Greek Americans’ Contributions to the “Athens of America”

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Applauds Greek Americans’ Contributions to the “Athens of America”

New York City is the “Athens of America,” Eric Adams said. Credit: NY Mayor’s Office

New York City Mayor Eric Adams praised Greece and Greek Americans on Thursday for their contribution to America a few days before the anniversary of the start of the Greek War of Independence.

“Over two centuries ago, the spirit of the Greek people inspired the Western world when you rose up against the Ottoman Empire and continued to show you were resilient and that you would never succumb to any form of tyranny. You gave us democracy and freedom,” Adams told the audience of hundreds of Greek Orthodox New Yorkers at a reception at Gracie Mansion.

On Sunday, March 30th, Greek Americans will march up Fifth Avenue waving the National Banners of Greece and Cyprus, to mark the Greek Revolution of 1821 against the Ottomans.

The New York City Mayor honored three distinguished individuals from the Greek-American community for their service to NYC. The Bishop of Diocleia, Mr. Nektarios, the wife of the Greek-American billionaire businessman John Catsimatidis, Ms. Margo Catsimatidis, who described the Greek-American community as one big family and the former president of the Federation of Greek Associations of Greater New York and vice president of the Board of Directors under the Municipality of Siokis, Mr. Dimitrios Kalamaras.

Adams: Greek Americans have been shaping NYC since 1844

Adams praised the vibrancy that the Greek community has brought to New York. “Your presence and the Greek presence in this city is so significant across our whole city, from Bay Ridge to Brooklyn to Astoria and Manhattan, ” he noted and added:

“Greek Americans and Greek New Yorkers have been shaping our city since 1844 and nothing personifies that more to me than the presence of our Greek law enforcement officers. Some of them are here tonight. They bring about the public safety in our city and at the end of the month, the colorful display of culture and spirit and energy, we will walk together down Fifth Avenue to celebrate Greek Independence Day.”

Estimates suggest there are hundreds of thousands of Greek Americans living in the greater New York City area. They’ve made significant cultural and economic contributions, especially in areas like Astoria in Queens, which is known for its vibrant Greek community.

The Mayor noted that the Greek American community has been supportive throughout the years. “From my days as Brooklyn borough president, state senator, and now here as the mayor of the City of New York, the Athens of America, New York City.”

He added: “You gave us the spirit and energies we’ve read from your scholars and we learn from your beats in medicine and we will continue to be inspired from today for the great things that the Greek people have done to the city and this country.”


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