Hungaroring work progressing faster than planned ahead of 2025 Hungarian Grand Prix

Hungaroring work progressing faster than planned ahead of 2025 Hungarian Grand Prix

The main roof structure has been built over the main grandstand, which is being covered from above while the framework and cladding is installed from below.

Meanwhile, the prefabricated structure of the grandstand itself is fully completed, and almost all stair elements are in place – only the seating needs to be installed.

Structural work on the paddock building was completed at the end of February and basement and first floor paving work is underway, with the remaining two tower blocks (from the original 12) set to be demolished by the end of March.

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On the ground floor, there are various stages of completion, with the more advanced stages seeing mechanical and electrical installations, portioning grids and garage doors fully installed.

For the 2025 Hungarian Grand Prix, the outside of the building will look as if it is completely finished but only the pit garages and the first floor will be used as intended, as per the initial plans, with organisers locating the media centre and race control on a temporary site.

As soon as this year’s Grand Prix is complete, building work will restart before the circuit is fully completed in time for the 2026 Hungarian Grand Prix.


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