Thanasis Balafoutis

1st General Lyceum of Xanthi
Greek Ministry of Education


Research interests

My research interests span the field of Artificial Intelligence with a focus on constraint programming, constraint satisfaction, robotics, space science applications, flight software design for nanosatellites and software-defined radio development.

Current projects

A Greek nano-satellite for Upper Atmosphere Studies

The Laboratory of Electromagnetism and Space Research of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH/SRL) has been selected to join the QB50 European initiative for the launch of 50 nano-satellites in the upper atmosphere by January 2016.
The aim is to investigate with multi-point measurements the transition region between the atmosphere and space. The 50 nano-satellites follow the CubeSat standard, where a CubeSat is a modular satellite of standardized dimensions, assembled using primarily commercial, off-the shelf components.
This provides an excellent opportunity for the launch of a Greek miniaturized satellite that is entirely built by University students and engineers. Through the QB50 program a launch opportunity and part of the science payload are provided whereas the development of each CubeSat and the ground station for communications and operations are built by the host institution.

Google scholar citations

Citations to my publications as tracked by Google scholar (link).

ResearchGate Profile

My public profile on ResearchGate is here: (link).