Strategies that encourage collaboration

Although the suggestions proposed in the presentation below refer to high school teachers of a robotics team, they equally well apply to primary school educators interested in boosting collaboration. Building relationships, establishing routines, setting a goal, promoting reflection and encouraging peer-support are some of the key factors which develop teamwork and collaboration skills in learners ➡

Creating a presentation book for an etwinning project

Issuu is an excellent free online publication tool for your etwinning projects. Here’s a sample publication with my sixth grade students’ presentations of themselves to their etwinning partners.


Christmas images for your projects

You can take Christmas photos with your students and assemble them to create a digital photo album for your etwinning partners. Click on the arrow in the middle of the image below to view the slideshow of  a sample album. is an online flow chart maker which helps you make diagrams or mindmaps. You can save them on google drive, one Drive, Dropbox or your device.  The most significant feature about this tool is that it promotes collaboration since you can share the link of your work with another person and give them permission to edit it.

Etwinning plan 1

6810251729_1cf2732980_mThe current plan of an Etwinning Project is the collaborative effort of a a group of participants in an etwinning online course in which I was a member. The online course was called Planning Etwinning Projects. The name of the project we came up with was ?I love cats, you love dogs! Let’s share our stories?. The project was designed to last throughout a school year and the expected result for the students as mentioned in our plan were Continue reading «Etwinning plan 1»