The European Council of Lisbon that has been held on March 23-24 2000 considered the development of the society that is based in knowledge, as a basic factor regarding long length competition and personal ambitions of its citizens and as a basic political priority of the European Union. From this point of view, education and training will play an important role.

 “Socrates Comenius” project is a project of action in the field of Education in the European Community and aims to the realization of the political targets in Lisbon. With this way “Socrates Comenius” will help to the fulfillment of the Amsterdam convention regarding the European citizens giving them opportunities for renewal of the knowledge obtained for the rest of their lives.

 The second phase of “Socrates Comenius” project, covers the period from 2000-2006 and supports increased opportunities for mobility and cooperation networks in every field of education. Great attention will be given in a broad field of activities that has been planned to contribute in the integration of communication and information technology for the benefit of education and also to develop the improvement of the education quality and innovations.

 “Socrates Comenius” project supports cooperation under the frame of 8 activities and supports Evridiki and Naric networks, Arion studies’ visits and other common actions with Community programs, and Youth projects. Comenius actions (1, 2 and 3) aim to the quality improvement and the enforcement of the European dimension in school education, through cooperation between schools in different European countries. It also contributes to the improvement of the initial training of the personnel that offers to the sector of school education and to the foreign language learning and cultural development.

 Other actions of  “Socrates Comenius” cover University education (Erasmus), long life education and adult education (Grundtvig), language learning (Lingua), distance education (Minerva) and in general all educational dimensions.