By Αικατερίνη Σταμάτη
In Boulgaria
Απρ 24th, 2015

Committee:  UNHRC

Topic: The Right to Development

Country:  Bulgaria

Delegate name:  Zoe Masoura

I have the honor to speak on behalf of Bulgaria.

The Right to Development is greatly recognized from 1981 by many countries as a right and a privilege. It is an individual and collective right that has helped developing countries stand up for themselves and improve their quality of life.

Our country propels not only the economical and political development, but the cultural and social as well. According to our constitution, the Republic of Bulgaria shall guarantee the life, dignity and right of the human person and shall create conditions conducive to the free development of the individual and of civil society. Neither abridgement of rights nor any privileges whatsoever shall be admissible on the basis of race, nationality, ethnic identity, sex, origin, religion, education, convictions, political affiliation, personal and social status, or property status.

Concerning the economical development, one of Bulgaria?s priorities is to promote Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) which is expected to continue to be strong due to Bulgaria?s growing attractiveness and developed business trust. Bulgaria has taken steps to control budget deficits and public debt more effectively, so by 2007, was on its way to a democratic market economy and was admitted to the European Union.

In the matter of cultural development in Bulgaria, the constitution provides for religious freedoms only to groups that have been registered with the state. However, religious communities and institutions, or religious convictions, may not be used for political purposes.  Furthermore, in the obedience to the constitution, article 23, the State creates conditions for free development of science, education, and the arts, and assists them. The State takes care of the conservation of the national historical and cultural heritage.

The press and the other mass communication media are free and not be subjected to censorship (article 40, part 1), and everyone has the right to seek, receive, and disseminate information. The Constitution prohibits the exercise of this right to be prejudicial to the rights and reputation of other citizens, or to national security, public order, public health and morals (article 41, part 1). Also, the Constitution and the Labor Code both contain provisions prohibiting discrimination. Discrimination on grounds on gender is also prohibited under the Promotion of Employment Act, the Civil Servants Act, the Social Assistance Act, Defense and Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria Act.

Ultimately, with respect to political development, elections and national and local referendums shall be held on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot (article 10). Moreover, any person, whereof at least one of the parents is a Bulgarian citizen, or who has been born within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, shall be a Bulgarian citizen unless acquiring another citizenship by descent. Bulgarian citizenship may furthermore be acquired by naturalization (article 25).

Taking all these important issues into account, Bulgaria strongly believes that all UN state members should join together and cooperate towards the protection of the right to development and work towards the elimination of phenomena caused by deficits in this area. Our proposals encompass the implementation of the international treaties legal framework and the organization of campaigns worldwide on creating awareness on the right to development.

Thank you

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