"Λήμνος γαιάων πολύ φιλτάτη απασέων"Limnos the most friendly land of all lands.  
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The village is reported in older code of M. Pantokratoros with the form Karyones. Obviously the name emanated from the existence of many of karyon (walnuts). With the increase frequent in the limnian speak additive - a - was changed in Aggariones. Graphic, but innacurate resembles the opinion (N. Lymperis) that the name emanated from the a lot of chores, that imposed the Turks in his residents. Also it should not becomes confusion with the medieval settlement Arioni or Areioni, that is reported in 1355 in documents of M. Layras. This nameof place, at the M. Rokko, it implies region with arje's (species of oak) and is public in a lot of points of island. It is known that became export of oaks at Middle ages from Limnos.