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Agios (Saint) Dimitrios

Historical elements:The village was created afterwards 1922 from Asian minors refugees, that came from the Reis-Dere of Eritrea. Older in this place existed a small turk village Sludge. In 1947 the refugees him renamed in Ag. Dimitrios to price of boss of church of their losing homeland.By old publications, but also by the recollections of refugees we were informed that the Reis-Dere was found near in the Tsesme, opposite from Chios Island. They was town with 4.000 residents, all Greeks. Its name, that means "impetuous river", took from a torrent, which crossed the town. In the Reis-Dere functioned very good schools, public schools and high schools. Existed library and cultural association. His central temple, the Ag. Dimitrios, were magnificent , dimensions 24x13,5 m., built in the means of Jc' of century. The iconostasis was marble, sculptured from the Tinian sculptor Ioannis Halepas, father of been famous Giannoyli Halepas, and brought the sign, "HALEPAS". The pictures of iconostasis were marbles, work of artist of marble sculptor Sakellarios Mangrove. In the facade it had three entries. The residents of Reis-Dere were mainly farmers and cultivated olives, vines, black grape and tobaccoes. The habitants were important stock breeders of horses and horsemen, as well as been famous chanters, where chanters in a lot of churches of M. Asia. Near in the town, in the region Litzia, existed curative sources and functioned pump rooms. Also near was found also the monastery of Saint Nikolaos, with the miraculous picture of "Virgin Mary Eleousas", which afterwards 1922 was transported in the Jerapetra of Crete. To the first persecution, in 1914, the residents resorted to Chios, to the Mitilini and to Limnos. They were put under oath, according to the delivery, don't drink wine from foreigner vines until they return in their place. In 1919 that came back and they found rhymed. They hardly worked also him they remade. In 1922 many killed , when they thought they remain in the village and they declare subjugation in their Turks, which however they dind't sorrow them. From those who saved, roughly 600 individuals came in Limnos in 1923 and installed itself in Sludge. Sludge they were the unique turk village of island and his residents spoken Greek. Here met also the unique rudimentary resistance, the Greek soldiers in 1912, at their course from the Diapori to the Castle. The name in any case is Byzantine and refered in 1355 in monasterial documents.

The delivery reports that the region was named Sludge, when two brothers that had inherit from Limnos, from their sovereign of father, they decided him share in the two, with border the point that would be met beginning the one of the Plate and the other than the Castle. However the one that began from the Plate was more clever and left before sunrise . Thus you cover bigger way. They were met with his brother in Sludge, and the one, that conceived the deception, him called "sludge". Thus he remained name place. Sludge was small settlement with 10-15 families.
However in the fertile rural region are around reported by the Middle Ages enough small, deserted today, villages.
These are, a) the Kourouni, that is reported in 1284 in documents of M. Layras, called the property of Korouni, v) the Kontovraki, big place where from 1456 it belongs in Sludge, but are reported also this from 1284 as property of M. Lay'ras with the name "Saint Peace of Kontovraki", c) Kovios' or Button,that it is reported also the Conze in 1858, d) the Lagopati, that refered in documents of M. Pantokratoros in 1323, called Lagopaton or Lagopati, e) the Laktavodi, that is reported in 1355 in document of M. Filotheos with the name Laktovodios, and with the name of "Biloy'", obviously from his initial householder.

The residents today deal with the agriculture - mainly cultures that brought from the lost homelands, as vines - and the livestock-farming Are persons working and hospitable Fast Saint Dimitrios charm in the hard work of residents became one from the richer villages of Limnos.