through the Myrjna they exist grafikal taverns in her small port with view the
castle that the evening is lighted.
Advancing in the market will find the visitor enough fast food but also traditional
restaurants In the beaches round the Myrjna(Platy', Riha waters, Thanos, Turkish
gjalos)there are beautiful taverns with traditional titbits. In each village, in his square, it will also meet some taverns that will
same satisfy also the exigentest great eater. Fish fresh, the home titbits and
the prices no private exact in hamlets the prices is very low. You must not
omit to try the wines of Limnos. You must also try the "ouzo"(tsipoyro)
of Limnos.
Exist a lot of solutions for the friends of amusement. From small
bars in in the Myrjna or even the villages, cafes, patisseri, and if you like
more there areclubs for amusement up to the morning. For the bigots of Greek
music exist places that them amuse up to the morning .Certain all these for
the summer period, because at the duration of winter, openly remainonly a few
shops. |