Facts about November

The month of November is the last full month of autumn in the northern hemisphere and many countries are beginning to experience colder temperatures and even snow during this month. The days grow shorter now. Here are some more facts about the 11th month of the year.

November was the ninth month of the ancient Roman calendar and has retained its name from the Latin novem, meaning «nine.»It is one of four months with a length of 30 days on the Gregorian, or modern, calendar.

In the United States and Canada, November is also known as National Beard Month or No Shave Month (also known as «​No-Shave November») as a way to raise cancer awareness. Australians have a similar month where they grow a mustache instead of a full beard.

The flower for the month of November is the chrysanthemum. The word is Greek meaning golden flower. In the language of flowers, chrysanthemum is considered to symbolize honesty, joy, and optimism.

Scorpio and Sagittarius are the astrological signs for November. Birthdays from November 1st through the 21st fall under the Scorpio sign. November 22nd through November 30th birthdays fall under the sign of Sagittarius.

All Saints Day is a Christian festival held on November 1 that celebrates the lives of all saints, known and unknown. In Mexico and throughout many Hispanic communities in the U.S., November 1 is also known as the Day of the Dead, a time for families to remember and honor loved ones who have passed away.
Thanksgiving, perhaps the most popular of all American holidays after Christmas, is celebrated each year on the third Thursday of November. Not only do Americans have the chance on this day to gather with friends and family over a sumptuous meal but they also get to enjoy a rare four-day weekend (with the Friday afterward, known as Black Friday, marking the traditional start of the Christmas shopping season).

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