Today’s dinner recipe

Dinner time can often turn into a refueling mission for the family while everyone focuses on their gadgets and not each other. In order to fix that issue and help families spend more time together try cooking the most delicious meals!!!!!

Lasagna represents a delicious comfort food for many, containing hearty noodles, rich cheese, flavorful tomato sauce, as well as a range of vegetables or meats. While the specific nutrient content of lasagna depends on the ingredients you use, most lasagnas have 

Environment and us

The environment is something we are very familiar with. It’s everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth—the air we breathe, the water that covers most of the earth’s surface, the plants and animals around us, and much more.
In recent years, scientists have been carefully examining the ways that people affect the environment. They have found that we are causing air pollution, deforestation, acid rain, and other problems that are dangerous both to the earth and to ourselves.

Things we can do to save “the environment”:

  • Recycle
  • Do not use the car all the time
  • Compost
  • Do not throw garbage in the sea
  • Protect the forests

These days, when you hear people talk about “the environment”, they are often referring to the overall condition of our planet, or how healthy it is.