



Magna Graecia a model of European development


The Ancient Greek Civilization was a multicultural umbrella under which many nations were united having as a common factor the civilization. This is a great example of the development of Europe. The European nations can co-exist in a multicultural and intercultural environment without loosing their own cultural identity; on the contrary enrich it with the exchange of ideas. A team of secondary school teachers created this project in order to be used in classes of secondary Schools, in the frame of crosscuricular approach in the everyday teaching practice at any subject (History, Language, Literature, Economics, Social and Political lessons, Religion...).

The various contributions will be discussed among the partner schools through e-mails, chat and forums. Suggestions and outcomes will be inserted in a collaborative web site made by the institutions involved. We are using eTwinning space as learning and communicating platform.

The activities are collaborative and can take the form of texts, pictures, films, art paintings, reflective dialogue, theatre acting, music and dances performance. Exhibitions and displays are organized.  Proposals of reflections and actions are to be taken.             The project is 100% transferable because we use simple ICT tools and teachers from all specialists are involved.

Our web address :


Summary of benefits and transferability


During the project the students were able to:
realize the common base of the European Civilization and the dimension of the European citizenship, evaluate their own tradition, understand the similarities and differences among the people of the member states of the E.U., acknowledge and understand the diversity of people and nations and the real meaning of pluralism, develop student’s initiative by promoting investigation, as an element of instructive methodology for the approach of knowledge, realize the deep meaning of knowledge by a crosscuricular approach, connect school lessons with common life, acquire skills in ICT and use of the Internet and to explore ways of exchanging views and ideas, enhance the learning of foreign languages, as a means of   broadening cultural exchange.


Involving in this project is promoting: 1. The feeling of fulfillment by working in teams evolves their own social abilities, 2. The knowledge and the evaluation of human’s diversity promote the pluralism and prevent discrimination, 3. The emotion of integration in teams S.E.N. and disabled pupils by using their capabilities and skills to the maximum is very important, 4.the feeling of pride and joy by showing the community their work and effort increases their self-esteem. Participating in this project creates the sensation of being a member of the European family, which is connected with strong bonds, and students feel safe and secure. 


Students will be able: to express themselves in front of an audience by making presentations, to reveal their motions by music or theatre performances, to voice their dreams through paintings, photos and constructions


Teachers - school

The schools cooperated on a whole school level. Teachers of both the schools shared the same pedagogical values and try to approach each other’s curricula in the subjects taught. During the project teachers will: increase their knowledge and teaching skills by the use of ICT, exchange ideas of good practicing with other European colleagues in friend ship and cooperation climate. Teachers improve their knowledge in foreign languages and ICT, enforcing the intercultural experience.

We put new foundations, on the teacher - student relationship. The school becomes student oriented and not teacher oriented.  In this process all the school as well as people from outside the school are involved. Administration, parents, mayors, Social and Political Institutes, Local and National Authorities, Teachers’ organizations, Educational Institutes and Research Centers (one of the teachers who are involved in this project is working in the Greek Center of Educational Research) are involved. 


Some examples (selectively)


Results or products:

Interactive page Web for the exchange of products, ideas and proposals ( in Greek, Italian and English. The main web is in Greek because one of our goals is to promote languages that are not common spoken. Until February 2006 our web will be translated in Spanish and French).

Publications in conventional format of the productions of the pupils, teaching staff, parents and others members of the educative community.

Article publications and didactic materials for the teaching staff.

Production of a CD-Rom containing all the contributions and the best techniques in project.

Theatre and music performances (we are going to make videos, take photos ex.).

Newsletter for teachers and students.

2 months Seminar for every Semester (the first started at the 1st of November. In this Seminar students are learning some Greek and Italian).

Some examples (selectively)


Temporary programming (for the 6 Semesters):


1st semester: Language, [Texts] Texts with common words, grammar exercises… [Activities] Construction of a board with common words, a small book with Calabro- Italian words. 

2nd semester: Literature, [Texts] Poems, stories, novels, [Activities], Poetry Session

3rd semester: Arts, [Texts], Architecture, paintings, Theatre, Sculpture, Music, [Activities], Music and Theatre Performances, small architecture constructions, Gallery of students paintings

4th semester:  multicultural and political approach, [Texts], Traditions, Legends, stories, Lows, social organization, [Activities], Nights with traditional food, photos’ gallery with traditional costumes, folk dances, small exhibitions with evolution of political system

5th semester: History and religion, [Texts], Research on historical texts, critical approach of the historical revolution, basic elements of religion, [Activities], Exhibitions with historical revolution, photo gallery, traditional religious music performances.

6th semester: Technology, [Texts], Ancient and modern technology [Activities], small constructions. 


  Additional actions plan for school year 2005-2006:

November 2005 – How we feel ourselves with personality develop ourselves where we feel ourselves with harmony between relationship and us. How do our eTwinning partners live? We create a small book of words with Greek origins, which are used in every day language. December 2005 – We create Christmas cards for our friends. January 2006 – We send New Year wishes. February 2006 – We study Greek myths and their message for our life. March 2006 – We explore Athens in Greece. We examine the influence of ancient culture on Christian art. April 2006 – Our hopes and plans for the future. We create small Greek ancient building. May 2006 – We are going on holiday – planning where, how and with whom we are going to spend our summer holiday. June 2006 - We review the work on the eTwinning project in school year 2005/2006


Specific activities for the teaching staff:

•Participation in seminars related to the thematic one of the project and eTwinning workshops.

•Study visits of head teachers and teaching staff.

•Participation in scholastic exchanges.


Dissemination of the project:

- Create an interactive Web for the diffusion of the experiences of the project.  ,

- Organize and participate in seminaries and days related to the thematic one of the project as well as pedagogical or etwinning presentations in the greater area of our school.

briefing and collaboration of  political and social institutions (Official presentation of program to the Mayor Athens Mrs Dora Bakogjanni, and the Chairman of Municipal Council Mr Theodoros Behrakis, to teachers associations as in the European Teachers association, in educational institutions of the Greek Ministry of Education school advisers, and administrative employees that attended our  meetings, collaboration with the parents’ association and  cultural organizations[ eg the Ionian  Center that had been used for cultural organizations during the Olympic Games covered our event at  end of the school year, etc)

- Presentation of the program in etwinning training seminars all over Greece, (Ms . Ioanna Komninou being etwinning promoter)

- Publication in newspapers and magazines, in radio stations, television etc

- Advertisement in the Pan-Hellenic School Network

- Submission in European elearning awards

- Announcements in European forums

Sample teaching in the University of Athens for the students teachers.


Some examples (selectively)


Pedagogical Innovation

The development of our Project is the result of both research and practice in the frame of various European and international Projects. Innovative aspects of these Projects include the cross-curricular approach to learning, the adoption of research projects, the expanded use of new technologies, and the exploitation of results and methodologies obtained by other European projects such as Comenius, Virtual School, Gruntdvig, Springday, etc. With our method of choice, namely the projects, we implement the cross scientific approach to learning via a harmonious confluence of natural and human sciences.

 The attempted changes are not related only to the method for developing the Project but also to the re-adjustment of the educational target (full development of student skills, formation of attitude, taking initiatives, promotion of cooperation among people and nations, development of a system of self assessment, founding of principles of continuing education etc). Of particular importance is the use of new technology, which facilitates the research, promotes the cooperation, exploits the results of the Project, and ensures improved access to knowledge for students with learning difficulties.  

Upon completion of the Project, we will submit a series of proposals for changes in the educational systems of Greece and Italy. Finally, all the teachers who are involved in the Project hope to bring forward a radical proposal for a unified European educational system, which will respect the cultural differences of the nations but will also promote a unified education frame in the European Union.


Digital Resources

Products: Website, Virtual museum, Power point presentations, online Seminar, online tests and exercises, digital video, digital photos, online games, Exemplary teachings.

Use: ICT and broadband Internet connection, web and digital cameras, tools of creating educational material (Word, PDF, Power point, Front page, Shockwave, Photoshop, Excel), tools of communication (email, forum, chat, video conference, virtual learning environment. We use etwinning space as well as Netmeeting and MSN messenger). 


Note: As our School is an Experimental School, we use our etwinning teaching experience to present to University Students how could organize their teaching by the use of new technology and collaborating knowledge.


Some examples (selectively)