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Προγραμματισμός Μικροελεγκτών PIC σε γλώσσα C

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/* This is a simple demo project written for use with
 * the HI-TECH Software PICC compiler. It may be compiled
 * and run on the Microchip PICDEM 2 PLUS DEMO BOARD.
 * Features demonstrated include driving the LCD display and
 * the A2D converter.
 Additional files required for this demo are included in the
 PIC\SAMPLES directories:

#include <pic.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lcd.h"

/* this is the maximum value of an A2D conversion. */
#define MAXVOLTAGE 5
#define SENSITIVITYMASK    0xFC    // Reduce precision of A2D result

void init(void){
    ADON=1;    /* enable A2D converter */
    ADIE=0;    /* not interrupt driven */
    TRISB=0x00;    // Set PORTB in output mode
    T1CON=0x31;    // turn on timer 1
    TMR1IE=1;    // timer 1 is interrupt enabled
    PEIE=1;        // enable peripheral interrupts
    GIE=1;        // turn on interrupts

void interrupt isr(void){
    if(TMR1IE && TMR1IF){

void main(void){
    unsigned char last_value;
    unsigned char volts;
    unsigned char decivolts;
    unsigned char outString[20];

    lcd_puts("Adust the");
    lcd_home2();    // select line 2

        // Mask off the lower two bits as this level of precision
        // is wasted as we're only showing 0.1 volt increments.
        // This reduces unneccesary updates to the LCD.
            sprintf(outString,"A2D = %d.%d volts",volts,decivolts);