The first Action of the Project envisaged conducting a study in the partner Schools on the factors that influence the children’s mental and social well-being in the School.
A qualitative study was conducted in all schools, targeting 10-year-old students (since these students would follow the project life cycle).
A questionnaire that was developed by the Greek school and distributed to the target group was used as the main tool of the activity.
The processing of data from the Greek School showed that:
A. Students from all schools, despite their national, cultural and social background, seemed to evaluate their well-being by taking into account their social relationships at school and ignoring other factors (personal fulfillment, etc.).
B. Some risk factors (school anxiety, bullying, violent behavior, peer exclusion, etc.) have been identified, which have been aligned with the educational literature.
The findings were presented during the works of the 1st STJSTE in Italy and utilized by the partners. As a result, the Spaniards used this information and formed the “Bullying Mediators”, the Slovenians focused on promoting cooperation, the Polish partners focused on inclusive activities through sports, the arts and music, the Italians focused on specific policies for the School and the Greeks on promoting an inclusive safe school, promoting empathy, resilience and cultivating the value of respect.
See the questionnaire here and a presentation here [files in .pdf – English]