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Questions Answered by Typing. How To
hot pepper

B1. Questions Answered by Typing - Misspelled Typing - How To

In a Normal or Gap Filling group, go to the Questions pane.
    • Normal group. If there is a blank question, work on it, otherwise add a new question
    • Gap Filling group. Select the gap you want to work with
  1. Set Pupil's reaction to Misspelled typing
  2. Write the question
  3. Write the Correct answer (DALI)
  4. Add another correct answer (SALVADOR).
    If you also wanted to accept the full name, then you can add SALVADOR DALI as the 3rd correct answer and DALI SALVADOR as the 4th correct answer
  5. Add the picture (dali.jpg)
See with pupil's eyes
hot pepper

C1. Questions Answered by Typing - Strict Typing - How To

In a Normal or Gap Filling group, go to the Questions pane.
    • Normal group. If there is a blank question, work on it, otherwise add a new question
    • Gap Filling group. Select the gap you want to work with
  1. Set Pupil's reaction to Strict typing
  2. Write the question
  3. Write the Correct answer (DALI)
  4. Add another correct answer (SALVADOR)
  5. Add the picture (dali.jpg)
See with pupil's eyes
hot pepper

D1. Questions Answered by Typing - Strict Typing - Case Sensitive - How To

Work as in the previous case (C1) but also ...
  • Check Case sensitive
See with pupil's eyes
hot pepper

E1. Questions Answered by Typing - Strict Typing - It's a Number - How To

In a Normal or Gap Filling group, go to the Questions pane.
    • Normal group. If there is a blank question, work on it, otherwise add a new question
    • Gap Filling group. Select the gap you want to work with
  1. Set Pupil's reaction to Strict typing
  2. Check It's a number
  3. Write the question
  4. Write the Correct answer (3.14)
    For the decimal delimiter, you can use either the dot (.) or the coma (,)
    You can add more correct answers, if you want
  5. Add a decorative picture (p.jpg)
See with pupil's eyes
hot pepper

F1. Questions Answered by Typing - Misspelled Typing, Many - How To

In a Normal or Gap Filling group, go to the Questions pane.
    • Normal group. If there is a blank question, work on it, otherwise add a new question
    • Gap Filling group. Select the gap you want to work with
  1. Set Pupil's reaction to Misspelled typing - many
  2. Write the question
  3. Write the Mandatory answer (SPAIN)
  4. Be sure to leave the Correct radio button selected
  5. Add more mandatory answers (PORTUGAL, ANDORRA, GIBRALTAR).
    If you want to punish pupils who include France in Iberian peninsula, then add France in the mandatory answers, selecting the Wrong
    Every wrong answer, included in pupil's response, neutralizes a correct one
  6. Set the Maximum number of answers to be given by the pupil to any number between 1 and 4. An appropriate message will inform the pupil automatically about the number of answers we are expecting from him
  7. Add a decorative picture (iberia.jpg)
See with pupil's eyes