Latest news:
December 2007
Christos 2 weeks since his right fibula fracture started walking again and day by day gets stronger and stronger again.
With his baby brother Lefteris as Santa at Christo's bedroom.
November 2007
While Christos was jumping on my bed we heard a CRACK! and as soon as he was calmed down he said that his leg was hurting pointing somewhere in the middle of the exterior side of his left tibia.
Using the splinting material we always have at home immediately I stabilise
his lower left leg and Christos was feeling already better.
The x-ray showed us a greenstick fracture of the fibula bone of his left leg.
October 2007
In August our orthopedist asked an x-ray of both Christos femurs
to check how the rods are working after the fracture
of his right femur in March which bent his rod.
We were astonished by the x-rays.. While the right rod looks that is expanding properly despite the angle, the left rod
is not expanding anymore although it did work fine till some point.
His doctor says that we will wait to see how Christos is doing and re-xray his femurs after 6 months
July 2007
Happy birthday Christo!!
On August 16th Christos had his birthday. He is 4 years old!!
July 2007
On July 18th 2007 both Christos and his baby brother,
Lefteris, were baptized Christian Orthodox.
We had postponed Chistos's baptism because of his frequent fractures. Being
strong enough he was finally baptized. We decided to baptize our kids both
at the same time — next month Christos will be 4 years old and Lefteris
4 months old!
Although Christos was not happy at all we finally made it through the end..
June 2007
On April 24th 2007 Christo's baby brother was born. Although very affectionate with him sometimes I think he is bothered by the fact that the baby keeps mamma busy a lot...
He is a healthy happy baby.
Soon we are going to xray Christo's left femur to see how well is working his bent rod since the fracture on March.
March 2007
While playing chasing a ballon Christos fell one his right knee and fractured his right femur.
The telescopic rod that was put in both his femurs a year and a half ago is like an internal splint for the bone.
This time we are dealing with the fracture just with a few pain meds and without any external splint. He just to wrap his right femur with
an ace bandage which probably made him feel safer.
A couple of weeks later we are going to x-ray his femur to be sure that the rod is fine and that the bone is healing correctly.
The photo was taken three days before the fracture.
January 2007
Christos had his regular pamidronate treatment at the local hospital. For now on the treatment is done every 4 instead of 3 months.
Everything went smoothly.
It is a month since the rodding surgery at his left humerus and we are trying
to strength his arm again. His left shoulder is still stiff but it is getting
better day by day.
Christos was given birth on 16 August 2003.
Christos has a rare bone disease called osteogenesis imperfecta type IV.
From nine months old he has begun treatment with biphosphonates
(pamidronate) and in the dues 2005 it was he had both his
femurs rodded.
As for his growth it almost regularly follows the 3rd centesimal place in
growth curves so much for the weight what the height..
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