Latest news:
December 2006
On November 30th Christos had successfully placed an Fassier-Duval
rod in his left humerus bone at hospital KAT in Athens. Dr. Anastasios Kanellopoulos,
Lecturer of the Medical School at the University of Athens, and his team
did the operation.
At the left photo Christos is wearing a plastic splint that covers his left
shoulder and upper arm. He is going to wear it for at least 3 weeks post
Dr. Anastasios Kanellopoulos had Christos femurs rodded using FD rods a year ago with great success. Few weeks after the surgery Christos
was walking independetly and got really strong and active since then.
At the photos on the left are his femurs x-rays, the first just after the rodding surgery and the second the next year. The FD rods are expanding properly to protect Christos femurs while he is growing up.
November 2006
Early this month Christos fractured his left humerus really badly. At the end of this month he will operated to insert a rod into the bone.
A little prayer is appreciated..
November 2006
a year and a half without fractures and while Christos is an active 3 year
old boy, Christos tripped in the balcony and he fell throwing all his weight
in the left hand. Result? Complete fracture of left humerus. Immediately
my husband contacted our orthopedic Dr Anastasios Kanellopoylos who did
the successful surgery of placing telescoping rods in Christos femurs a
year before. After he gave us explicit directives we made splint so that
we immobilise his left hand and with a few painkillers Christos felt better
and we went to the hospital for x-rays. When I saw the x-rays I was shocked..
One week afterwards the fracture we will have x-rays taken of his left humerus
again and depending on how the bone is healing the doctor will decide if
he will proceed on a surgery so that he can stabilise the bone in the right
Four days after his fracture Christos is feeling very well and he is not
in pain at all.
July 2006
Christos in front a blackboard drawing circles or something like that.
June 2006
Two months after his last treatment with biphosphonates Christos had signs of fatigue, he was not so active as before and his apettite was decreased dramatically. So we decided to had his next treatment a month earlier than scheduled.
April 2006
Happy Easter!!!!
Christos has strengthened enough and his walking is henceforth enough stable.
Thus we enjoy our spring-time walks at the park daily.
Beginnings April Christos had the regular biphosphonates infusion in the
hospital of Veria. The treatment rolled exceptionally smoothly - even sticking
the vein was just "a piece of cake" as Christos was absolutely collaborative.
February 2006
Christos began to walk again!!
Two months after the last rodding surgery in his right femur and Christos has began to walk! He is getting stronger day by day and his walking becomes more stable as days goes by.
We are teaching him ways in order to "fall" as painlessly as he can.
Our feelings is hard to describe..
January 2006
Αρχές του νέου χρόνου πήγαμε στο Νοσοκομείο Βέροιας για την τακτική έγχυση με διφωσφωνικά.
Η πρώτη μέρα κύλησε ομαλά αλλά τη δεύτερη δυστυχώς "χάσαμε" τη φλέβα και στην
συνέχεια ο Χρήστος ταλαιπωρήθηκε λιγάκι μέχρι να του ξαναβρούν φλέβα. Παρά την
ταλαιπωρία του όμως πλέον κατάλαβα ότι έχω να κάνω με ένα παιδάκι πιο συζητήσιμο
και συνεργάσιμο πια. Αφού ολοκληρώθηκε η έγχυση επιστρέψαμε πια σπίτι και
μετά από έναν καλό υπνάκο, ο Χρήστος ξύπνησε ξεκούραστος και χαρούμενος με όρεξη
για παιχνίδια.
Όπως και κάθε φορά, μετά από την έγχυση ο Χρήστος
είναι εξαιρετικά πιο κινητικός και ζωηρός. Ήδη πριν από την έγχυση και έχοντας
ήδη περάσει ένας μήνας από το τελευταίο χειρουργείο, ο Χρήστος είχε ξεκινήσει να
κινείται πιο ελεύθερα, ακόμη και να επιχειρεί να σταθεί, πράγμα το οποίο με
τρόπο προσπαθούμε να αποτρέψουμε προς το παρόν ενώ αντιθέτως τον ενθαρρύνουμε
να μπουσουλήσει. Στόχος μας είναι να δυναμώσει σταδιακά ώστε να επανάλθει και να
ανακτήσει όσο πιο ομαλά γίνεται την προηγούμενη κινητική του κατάσταση..
Christos was given birth on 16 August 2003.
Christos has a rare bone disease called osteogenesis imperfecta type IV.
From nine months old he has begun treatment with biphosphonates
(pamidronate) and in the dues 2005 it was he had both his
femurs rodded.
As for his growth it almost regularly follows the 3rd centesimal place in
growth curves so much for the weight what the height..
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