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Resurrection and church development in southern Philippines after ministry of Danish evangelist! The Danish Evangelist Peter Haahr Hansen and Gospel Miracle doing crusades in Bohol (Southern Philippines) and Ministries have recently been preaching in Churches. Bohol is definitely an island in the Philippines known for the smallest horse in the world, river rafting and the Chocolate Hills. It's a great traveler spot but there is a lack of gospel preaching due to spiritual strongholds. Chris Haahr Hansen came with messages of hope in Christ. Website contains more concerning where to ponder it. Incredible Grace Church was the first church Peter visited. Where several got prayed for h-e did four services for the youth and a healing service. Where Rev, the very first two days were particularly for the pastors and youth. Peter Haahr Hansen inspired the pastors and youth to improve the world from the Power in Christ. If you have an opinion about sports, you will maybe desire to read about lee mcfarland. There is a great result and many lives were changed. Clicking pastor lee mcfarland possibly provides aids you might tell your mother. The church was full and people originated from far-away to take part in the meetings. Thousands of people came to the meetings and experienced the pres-ence and power of God. O-n Sunday Peter Haahr Hansen had a healing service and the church was complete again and there was an excellent response to the Gospel message. Evangelist Peter had very clear messages of hope and healing in Christ. Alongside the meetings, Gospel Miracle Ministries helped sponsor some food donations for the poor people who found the meetings. Chris statesI believe that many got a new touch from god through these companies. And I wish I impressed the Christians there to become history makers and change the world by the Love of Christ. I truly believe that God will spread a revival among the youth in the Philippines and a brand new generation of young evangelists and pastors will rise and change Asia for the Gospel. Peter and his group preached in a nearby church called JESUS LIGHT OF THE WORLD guide by Pastor Raul Vitor, Saturday evening. It is a tiny exploratory church preaching the total gospel. Evangelist Peter Haahr Hansen was asked to conduct a therapeutic service. It had been a fantastic night where a lot of people were touched by the Lord in a powerful way. Peter preached a message of healing in Jesus. The following day Peter and his team visited the interior elements of Bohol up in the hills. Peter was asked to preach in a small church in the day. Pastors from different churches enjoyed alongside with all the people of this church. Peter had a very encouraging message about doing the impossible. Within this church Peters fiance, Abby, also shared a word about how you can use people likely in the word of the Lord. Later in the morning, Peter Haahr Hansen preached at a therapeutic crusade within the village square in the very center of Bohol. It was easy to understand that there was a religious struggle happening. Hundred of people came to the campaign, but several people were also standing outside the gates of the square, perhaps afraid of going inside the gates. Peter preached about the miracle power of Christ and the sacrifice of Jesus. Plenty of people came to get salvation and healing. There clearly was a fantastic pres-ence of the Holy Spirit and many individuals received a touch from the Lord. Peter statesTo see a great number of people hungry for something real was in a way sad but in addition wonderful. I-t just demonstrates the work and office of an evangelist is not over. There's a need to be met. My prayer is that more and more people will support the office of an evangelist. There's a great need that people cannot ignore. After the ministry in Bohol, Gospel Miracle Ministries received reports that a lot of people received mental, real, and religious healing and that a marked church growth is happening after the revival meetings. Praise be to God! www.gospelmiracle.org www.peterhaahr.com Ministry Pictureshttp://www.peterhaahr.com/pictures.html.

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